9-21-93 tbSeptember 21, 1993 The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following Board Members were present: Chairman Charles Nordin, Russell Jackson, Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen and Duane Thompson. CONSENT AGENDA Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the following consent agenda: A. Clerk's minutes for 8/12/93, 8/17/93 and 9/6/93. B. Approval of Treasurer's report Balance September 1, 1993 $671,905.75. C. Approval of payment of September bills. Duane Thompson seconded and adopted. ROBERT LOCKYEAR UPDATE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLA Mr. Robert Lockyear reviewed the Washington County Comprehensive Plan Update. The main elements of the plan will be. 1. Land Use 2. Transportation 3. Parks and Open Space 4. Public Facilities 5. Natural and Historical Resources Meetings will be held in November regarding this issue and Mr. Lockyear will notify the township office on exact dates. PARKS AND RECREATION Shirley Sova presentated a letter composed by the Parks and Recreation Committee requesting a trail in conjunction with the regrading of County 52. Mr. Nickelson made a motion this letter be sent to Washington County Public Works Department. Mr. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Ms. Sova informed the board there are two vacancies on the Parks and Recreation Committee. Mr. Rasmussen ma -de a motion the Parks and Recreation Committee nominate persons to serve on the committee and present to the Town Board for appointment. Mr. Thompson seconded and adopted. The Clerk informed the Town Board and Parks and Recreation Committee that Mr. and Ms. Lawrence Carlson are requesting a fence around the township property bordering the Carlson property. HAWKINSON HIGHLANDS (ACCEPTANCE OF OLAND AVE.) Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept Oland Ave. in Hawkinson Highlands on condition of payment of approximately $800.00 from Howard Hawkinson for engineering and legal fees incurred by the township. The letter of credit shall not be released without the payment. Duane Thompson seconded and adopted. ROAD PROJECTS FOR 1994 Mr. Tom Prew Township Engineer presentated a list of road projects for 1994. No decision was made and the road committee would discuss these items. OZARK AND OAKHILL Kevin Nickelson made a motion to instruct the Township Engineer to do a preleminary design for a new road between Ozark and Oakhill. Paul Rasmussen seconded and adopted. OXBORO AND OLD MARINE TRAIL Kevin Nickelson made a motion to prepare a cost estimate to correct the intersection (hill) on Oxboro and Old Marine Trail. Russell Jackson seconded and adopted. ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR LOFTON COURT Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept resoultion 9/21/93 for Hearing on Proposed Assessment of Lofton Court on October 28, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. Russell Jackson seconded and adopted. 188TH STREET Duane Thompson made a motion to regrade and reditch approximately 24 feet for the amount of $2950.00 from Peterson Excavating. Paul Rasmussen seconded and adopted. ROBERT KOPP Duane Thompson removed the Robert Kopp hearing from the table. Mr. Nickelson expressed his concern as Mr. Kopp's driveway comes to an unapproved roadway and Mr. Kopp has frontage on Maxwill Avenue and should enter on Maxwill. Mr. Nickelson stated that Lakewood Avenue should be vacated. Mr. Kopp felt it was a burden to enter on Maxwill as the driveway would be 750 feet in length. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendation of 9/7/93 with the following exceptions: 1. The driveway shall exist on Maxwill Avenue. 2. The si_deyard shall be no closer then 13.9 feet 3. Removal of guest house within 6 months after building is completed. Duane Thompson seconded the motion. Paul Rasmussen, Duane Thompson, Kevin Nickelson voted yes. Russell Jackson abstained. Motion adopted. BLISS AREA (REGARDING ZONING) Charles Nordin, Chairman stated he was resigning as the representative from the board to correct the issue in the Bliss area, due to the amount of time to complete the project and Mr. Nordin is not able to write tickets for the violations. Paul Rasmussen made a motion that Duane Thompson, Charles Nordin meet with Al Goodman or Russ Anderson from Washington County on Monday, September 27, 1993 and if Al Goodman or Russ Anderson is not available on Monday another appointment should be made and Kevin Nickelson shall replace Mr. Nordin. Kevin Nickelson seconded and adopted. A preliminary report shall be available at the October Town Board Meeting. POLICE PROfiECTION Kevin Nickelson mae a motion to appoint the following to the Police Committee. Shirley Nagle, Norman Ostrand, John Olsen, Peter Nora, Harvey Lindgren, Joyce Heinsch, Nick Wojtowicz, Pamela Jacobs, Kay Klemenhagen and Duane Lawrence and Sally Lawrence to serve as one committee member. Mr. Paul Rasmussen shall set up the committee and the committee shall report back by December Town Board Meeting. Duane Thompson seconded adopted. CABLE ORDINANCE Duane Thompson made a motion to adopt Ordinance Number 4-4 relating to Cable T.V. Rates. Russell Jackson seconded and adopted. BRUSH MOWER Mr. Nickelson reviewed some information and prices on a brush mower from McKenize Supply. Mr. Nickelson would secure other quotes for this equipment. Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Do J.1ores Peterson New Scandia Township Clerk