01-18-94 tbJanuary 18, 1994
On the above date New Scandia Town Board held their regular
monthly meeting. The following members were present: Charles
Nordin, Chairman, Russell Jackson, Kevin Nickelson and Paul
Rasmussen. Duane Thompson was absent.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the following consent
A. Call to order
B. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 12/21/93 and
C. Approval of Treasurer's Report
Balance December 1, 1993 $383,658.88
December Receipts 364,321.86
December Expenses 80,622.63
Balance January 1, 1994 $667,358.11
D. Approval for payment of January expenses
E. Adjournment
Russell Jackson seconded the motion and adopted.
Parks and Recreation Committee
Winds In The Pines Preserve
Ms. Shirley Sova and Mr. Robert Lee presented a plan to
development Winds In The Pines Preserve in phases for trails,
parking area, establish programs for wild life watching and
identifying species of trees, shrubs, flowers and plants. This
item was tabled until the February Town Board meeting.
Mr. David Hebert, Attorney reviewed the title status of the
access road to the Winds In The Pines Preserve. The conveyance
to the township is fee simple title and not a roadway easement
and there are no restrictions on the use of the property by the
township. Some members of the board will discus this with Mr.
and Ms. Kevin Madden adjoining property owners.
Township Engineer
The petition for 182nd Street for Bituminous surfacing was
presented and this petition was to be submitted to the road
committee for further study.
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Bliss Addition Update (David Hebert)
Mr. Hebert reported the letters for the Bliss area have been
mailed and persons have until the 31st of January to respond.
Mr. Hebert suggested the possibility of a supervisor to view the
properties with problems the end of January and this item will be
placed on the February Town Board meeting.
Police Committee Feasibility Report
Mr. Nick Wojtowicz, Chairman of the committee presented the
Feasibility Report prepared by the committee. The committee
stated they find the current level of police protection to be
adequate at the present time.and recommended the New Scandia Town
Board of Supervisors take no action to supplement the current
level of police protection over the next 12 months. The
committee stated the board should be aware of future need and
consider budgeting for one of the follwing alternatives:
(1) Hiring a part time chief of police
(2) Signing a 40 hour a week contract with the Washington
County Sheriff
(3) Sharing a 40 hour week contract with neighboring
No decision was made by the, board on this subject and the report
will be discussed at the February meeting.
Election Judges
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to appoint the following Election
Judges for the Annual Town Election. Russell Jackson, Kathy
Carlisle, Gwen McCurdy and Sue Haugen. The Annual Audit meeting
shall be held on February 22, 1994. Russell Jackson seconded and
Richard Heller ( Legal Description)
Mr. Lavayne Dupslaff presented a survey of Richard Heller
property as Mr. eller feels since the road regrading the legal
description has .9hanged. It was agreed Mr. Nordin and Mr. Heller
would meet at Landmark Surveying and review this item.
Authorization For The Clerk and Treasurer To Disburse Payroll
On A Bi-Monthly Basis
Russell Jackson made a motion to pass a resolution to authorize
the clerk and treasurer to disburse the following related checks
on a bi-monthly basis; payroll salaries, PERA, Minnesota State
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Retirement, Minnesota Mutual, Federal and State withholding.
Paul Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Joyce Heinisch Agricultural Preserve
Ms. Heinisch was requesting 70 acres of her property in
Agricultural Preserve. Russell Jackson made a motion to publish
for a public hearing and designate the 70 acres for Ms. Joyce
Heinisch for Agricultural Preserve. The hearing shall be held
February 15, 1994.
Insulation of Town Garage
The following quotes were received: St. Croix Insulators
$2548.00 and Gronquist Insulation $3530.00. This was tabled as
the quotes shall be reviewed as to specifications.
Wetland Inventory
A motion had been made at the 1993 Annual Town Meeting to obtain
a cost estimate for a Wetland Inventory of the township. It was
decided that the township contact Tim Fredbo or Conrad Koosman
from Washington County Soil and Conservation to discuss this
subject with the board.
Minnesota Benefit Association
Kevin Nickelson made a motion not to increase the level of
coverage from the Minnesota Benefit Association, but a
supervisor, clerk or treasurer could increase the plan and pay
the difference if they so desired. Paul Rasmussen seconded and
Firemens Ball Beer License
Russell Jackson made a motion to sign the beer license for the
Firemens Ball on February 26, 1994. Paul Rasmussen seconded and
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia Township'Clerk