02-15-94 tbFebruary 15, 1994 The regular monthly meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following board members were present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Russell Jackson, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen. Duane Thompson was absent. CONSENT AGENDA Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve the following consent agenda: A. Clerk's minutes for,1/18/94 and 2/1/94. B. Approval of Treasurer's report. Balance February 1, 1994 $675,858.23 C. Approval for payment of February expense. E. Adjournment Paul Rasmussen seconded and adopted. TIM FREDBO (WASHINGTON COUNTY SOIL AND CONSERVATION) Mr. Fredbo reviewed the current Wetland Conservation Act and explained that New Scandia,T.ownship is the local regulating unit. Mr. Fedbo informed the board the township must adopt the Shoreline Ordinances. A Wetland Inventory must be completed for the Goose Lake area to the St. Croix River as required by Forest Lake Watershed. The estimate cost for the inventory is between $5,000.00 and $7,000.00. Mr. Fedbo stated the township does not have to do a Wetland Inventory as we do have the National Wetland Inventory maps and the wetlands must be addressed in all subdivisions. The Washington County Soil and Conservation Department will assist the township in administrating the Wetland Conservation Act. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adopt the following resolution for adopting permanent rules of the Wetland Conservation Act. WHEREAS, the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act of 1991 (WCA) requires local government units (LGUs) implement this law by adopting the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) pertaining to wetland draining and filling; and page 2 WHEREAS, the BWSR is requesting LGUs adopting the permanent rules of the WCA to notify them of the LGU decision regarding adoption; and WHEREAS, the LGU is responsible for making WCA determination for landowners; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of New Scandia Township previously assumed responsibilities of LGU for wetland alterations within New Scandia Township under the interim rules; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF NEW SCANDIA TOWNSHIP that it hereby accepts the responsibility as the LGU for the WCA within the legal boundaries of New Scandia Township as of January 1, 1994 within the guidelines as set forth by the WCA and rules. Russell Jackson seconded the motion and adopted. AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE ACT (ROGER AND JOYCE HEINISCH) Kevin Nickelson made a motion to pass resolution 2-15-94 to establish Agricultural Preserve for the following described property owned by Roger and Joyce Heinisch, which is over 40 acres and meets all requirements. The SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4, except the South 300 feet thereof, Section 2, Township 32 North, Range 20 West; the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, except the East 66 feet of the South 300 feet thereof, Section 2, Township 32 North, Range 20 West; All that part of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Section 11, Township 32 North, Range 20 West lying North of the road running through said tract, now known as Oren Road North, except the east 66 feet thereof. Paul Rasmussen seconded and adopted. FIRE CHIEF (STEVE SPENCE) Mr. Spence informed the board the Fire Department received a Forestry Assistance Grant in the amount of $1000.00. The department will purchase radios with the grant. PARKS AND RECREATION Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adopt the concept of the Development Agreement for Winds in the Pines Preserve as page 3 presented by the Park Committee with stages to signing, trailing, indenifying trees, plants, flowers, shrubs, parking,etc. The first responsiblity of signing and indentifying the trail and present a cost estimate of the items to the town board. Kevin Nickelson seconded and adopted. TOWNSHIP ENGINEER (TOM PREW) Tom Prew reviewed the Feasibility Report of the 1994 Road Improvement. Mr. Prew would revise the proposed regrading for the intersection of Old Marine Trail and the corner of Mayberry Trail. The Road Improvement Project of 1994 would be added to the agenda for the February 22, 1994 audit meeting and at that time the board would take necessary steps required to hold a hearing on the Road Improvement Project for 1994. TOWNSHIP ATTORNEY (DAVID HEBERT) Mr. Hebert informed the board he had spoken to the following person's in the Bliss Addition, which he had contacted that where in violation of the ordinances. Harold Johnson, Craig Wilcox, Patrick Kelly and Doug Petersen. David Hebert and Charles Nordin will do a inspection of the area in the near future. DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS (DON THEISEN) Mr. Theisen informed the board for the need for application of Washington County for Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act funds to reconstruct County State Aid Highway 3 from County State Aid Highway 4 to the North Washington County Line. Russell Jackson made a motion to adopt the resolution presented by Mr. Theisen requesting funds and the clerk send a letter with the resolution to Washington County Public Works. Kevin Nickelson seconded and adopted. INSULATION TOWNSHIP GARAGE The following quotes where submitted for insulation of township garage: St. Croix Insulation $3489.99 and Gronquist Insulation $3523.00. Russell Jackson made a motion to engage Gronquist Insulation to insulate the township garage for the amount of $3523.00. Mr. Gronquist was awarded the job as he supplied more information with the quote. Kevin Nickelson seconded and adopted. page 4 POLICE CAR Paul Rasmussen made a motion to allow the Fire Department to remove radios, light bar, siren and any equipment the department can use from the police car and contact the Sheriffs Department about the sale of the two firearms and in the future place an add in the paper for the sale of the car. Russell Jackson seconded and adopted. TYPEWRITER Russell Jackson made a motion to donate the unused typewriter to the Youth Service Bureau of Forest Lake. Paul Rasmussen seconded and adopted. OCCUPANCY TAX OUTSIDE MUSA Paul Rasmussen made a motion to write a letter to Representative Pam Neary opposing the instituting of a 10' Occupancy Tax outside of the MUSA boundary. Kevin Nickelson seconded and adopted. ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO COUNTY AUDITOR The clerk reported the Omnibus Tax Bill of 1993-Chapter 375 passed Article 5, for a special assessment administrative fee to Municipalities for assessments certified to the County Auditor. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to add the administrative fee to all assessments certified to the County Auditor for the year of 1994 at $1.50 per parcel. This fee may change as this is set by Washington County Auditor. Russell Jackson seconded and adopted. Meeting adjourned. D lore erson I�ew Scan Tow shi Clerk p