04-19-94 tbApril 19, 1994
On the above date New Scandia Town Board held their regular
monthly meeting. The following members were present: Chairman,
Charles Nordin, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen
and Duane Thompson.
Continuation of Board of Review
Duane Thompson made a motion to approve the recommendations
presented by Frank Langer, Assessor from the Board of Review
meeting held April 11, 1994 and to reduce the valuation for
Robert Swinehart 91475-2300 and 2350 in the amount of $5,O00.00.
Paul Rasmussen seconded and motion adopted unanimously.
Edith Hadlich made a motion to accept the following consent
A. Call to order
B. Clerk's, minutes have been presented for 3/15/94,
3/22/94, 3/29/94 and 4//5/94.
C. Approval of Treasurer's Report
Balance March 1, 1994 $661,323.00
March Receipts 17,500.00
Expense 47,262.00
Balance April 1, 1994 $631,411.00
D. Approval for payments of April expense.
E. Adjournment
Duane Thompson seconded and adopted.
Fire Chief (Bill Havener)
Mr. Havener questioned if the board had reviewed the proposed
ordinance for identification of street addresses. Mr. Hebert
stated the ordinance needed to be revised. Duane Thompson made a
motion to instruct Mr. David Hebert, Attorney to revise the
ordinance and submit it at a later date. Paul Rasmussen seconded
and adopted.
Parks and Recreation (Michael Jay)
Mr. Jay requested approval for prairie grass to be planted in the
area that had been disturbed by plowing. Mr. Nordin stated hhad
made arrangements with Mr. Boesel to seed alfalfa in the
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disturbed area. Mr. Nordin would contact Mr. Boesel about this
Mr. Michael Jay expressed the Parks and Recreation Committee
desire to have a member of the Planning Commission at their
meetings in reference to land development.
Mr. Paul Rasmussen stated Mr. Blair Joselyn would be an excellent
representative from the Planning Commission.
Girls Softball
Mr. Hough was requesting funding for the Girls Softball. Mr.
Nickelson suggested that the Softball Team may also be involved
with the Taco Days that the Boys Scouts now sponsor and this
would help fund the teams.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to designate $750.00 for the Scandia
Girls Softball. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and passed
Edith Hadlich made a motion of permission to purchase home base
plate for the field south on Olinda Trail and not to exceed
$50.00. Kevin Nickelson seconded and passed unianmous.
Township Engineer (Tom Prew)
A public hearing was held regarding the following streets for
general upgrading and bituminous surfacing.
There was discussion regarding 195th Street and some residents
felt it could be a one-way street, but Mr. Thompson stated there
is always a problem with one -ways and Washington County was
pleased to have 195th Street closed due to the bad approach onto
Olinda Trail. The road committee recommends that 195th Street
not be included in the proposed project.
Most members of the board felt the township should not delete
195th Street with this project and Ms. Hazel Gronquist expressed
her desire on behalf of Washington County Historical Society to
have the road bituminous surfaced.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to adopt the resolution ordering
the Improvement and Preparation of Plans by the Township Engineer
for the following project.
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1. Old Marine Trail from Oxboro Avenue west to Orwell
2. Old Marine Trail from Orwell Avenue west to County
State Aid Highway No. 3.
3. 195th Street from Old Marine Trail west to County
State Aid Highway No. 3.
4. And Roads addressed on March 22, 1994 Hearing
Paul Rasmussen seconded and motion passed unanimous.
Gravel Bid
The following bids were submitted for the gravel season of 1994.
Cad Trucking, J. & C. Trucking and Peterson Excavating.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to award the bid to Peterson
Excavating as 70 to 80 0 of the gravel used by the township
is Modified Class 5 Aggregate and the trap rock, water truck,
and drum are in the same range as the other bidders. Duane
Thompson seconded the motion and passed unanimous.
Drainage Problems on Layton Avenue
Charles Nordin made a motion to clean out Mr. Harold Johnson's
run off from the ravine to the culvert, 3 foot wide bottom of the
ditch without much damage to the side. Extend the culvert on
both sides of the road and build a driveway into Mr.
Johnson's property and remove the culverts from Mr. Johnson's
property. The construction will be on a change order with the
contract that was bid last fall and has not yet been completed.
Paul Rasmussen seconded and motion passed unianmous.
1994 Road Improvements
Paul Rasmussen made a motion not to have a rounded curve on
Orwell Avenue. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and passed
Metropolitan Agricultural Preserve Act
A public hearing was held to designate the following described
tracts of land as agricultural preserves.
The NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 and the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4,
Section 2, Township 32, Range 20.
The E 1/2 of the SE 1/4, Section 3, Township 32, Range
20 excepting there from parcel number 91003-2060.
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Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adopt the resolution for
placement of the property owned by Dorothy Larson, Granton J.
Larson, Goldeann Carlson and Debra Havener into Metropolitan
Agricultural Preserve. Duane Thompson seconded and motion passed
Edna Siniff
Ms. Siniff stated her property is in Agricultural Preserve and
the property as been on the market for 2 1/2 years and she has
not been able to sell the property, because of it being in
Agricultural Preserve. Ms. Siniff would like to have the
legislature introduce a bill to have a escape clause for
hardships. Mr. Kevin Nickelson would research this item with
Senator, Jane Krantz and Representative Douglas Sewnson.
Steve Morris
Mr. Steve Morris requested a speed limit or weight restriction on
228th Street between Manning and Lofton due to heavy truck
traffic. Duane Thompson would review this matter.
Mr. Morris spoke on ethical campaign process. He stated there
where specific allegations regarding candidates, clerk, treasurer
and the town board for appointing the two employees. Mr. Morris
suggested that the board have the candidates sign a document
referring to good campaign practices and also take responsibility
for the actions of their supporters.
Mr. David Hebert stated that legally the township could not
require or enforce a candidate to sign a document. No action was
taken on this matter, but the board would consider the proposal.
Swenson Recycling
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to sign the contract with Swenson
Recycling with the following fees. $2040.00 per month curbside
and drop off $60.00 per week. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion
and passed unianmous.
Barton Sand Gravel
Kevnin Nickelson presented pictures of oil spillage in Barton
Sand and Gravel and commented on the odor from the plant. Mr.
Nickelson proposed that two board members and a member of the
Planning Commission attend the renewal meeting at Washington
County. It was agreed Mr. Charles Nordin, Mr. Kevin Nickelson
and Ms. Nancy Madden attend this meeting.
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Review of Job Description (Lawn Work
A discussion was held regarding the lawn work at the Community
Center. Some board members were concerned as Mr. Russell Jackson
may still be interested in the position and some members felt the
position should be added to the job description for manual
Mr. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to instruct Charles Nordin to
contact Mr. Jackson and determine if Mr. Jackson would like to do
the yard work at the Community Center and table this subject
until the May 3, 1994 Planning Commission. Edith Hadlich
seconded the motion. Edith Hadlicd voted yes, Kevin Nickelson,
yes, Charles Nordin, yes and Paul Rasmussen yes. Duane Thompson
opposed. Motion adopted.
Term Limits for Appointed Committees
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to have term limits for Parks and
Recreation, Road Committee and Architectural Review Committee.
The term limits shall be 5 year terms and each committee shall
draw numbers staggering the terms and the new members of the
committees receive the longest term and the terms shall expire on
the annual meeting date. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and
passed unianmous.
Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau
David Hebert reviewed the contract with the Forest Lake Youth
Service Bureau and questioned item B, under Insurance numbers 1
and 2 and also what happens to fees paid by the township in event
of cancellation?
Edith Hadlich made a motion to accept subject to approval by the
staff pertaining to the above items. Duane Thompson seconded and
passed unianmous.
County Highway 52
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to send a letter to Washington
County Public Works (Engineer) expressing the boards concern
to begin the road project of County 52 due to the harazdous
condition of the road and send a copy to Dennis Hegberg,
Washington County Commissioner. Duane Thompson seconded the
motion and passed unianmous.
Dolore terson
New Scandi Township Clerk