05-03-94 tb,pcMay 3, 1994 On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting. The following Town Board members were also present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen and Duane Thompson. JAMES CHURCH Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to James Church, 20411 Olinda Trail, Marine, MN 55047. Lot 1 Block 1 Marydale. To construct a 24'X 40' pole building closer to the road then the house and 5 feet side yard set back from the south property line with the condition that the siding color must match as near as possible the color of the house. With the following findings: 1) Building would not be much closer to the road than the house. 2) Placement of the building is the best possible given the topography of the property. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the recommendation and Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. ERNIE VALLA Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to Ernie Valla (Scandia Farm and Home), 14860 Scandia Trail, Scandia, MN 55073. Part of Lot 21, County Auditors. For the construction of a canopy 24' X 68' canopy 85 feet from center of Highway 97 on the grounds that the building and pumps exist and the canopy is needed to protect customers from inclement weather. Duane Thompson made a motion to accept the recommendation. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. RICHARD JENSEN Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the Minor Subdivision to Richard Jensen, 19040 Newgate Avenue North, Marine, MN 55047. Government Lot 7, Section 28, Township 32, North, Range 20 West. As presented in the plan dated April 30, 1994 subject to the following conditions: page 2 1) Soil testing be completed. 2) Dedication of 33 feet from the centerline of Newgate to the township. 3) Drainage easements be dedicated around any wetlands that may exist on the property. 4) Due conside-ration be given to controlling erosion during construction near the ravine. Edith Hadlich made a motion to accept the recommendation. Kevin Nickelson seconded and motion passed unanimous. WILLIAM ZIETLMAN Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to William Zietlman, 23339 Lofton Avenue, Scandia, MN 55073. Lot 3 and Part of Lot A Sandgren Addition. To construct a sun porch as per certificate of survey dated July 11, 1967. Lot size 1 1/2 acres to 1/2 acres existing. Lot width at road and lake. The variance's are granted because of the following findings: 1) It meets lake setback requirements 2) Neighbors' homes are closer to the lake than this will be. 3) This is a reasonable use of property. Duane Thompson made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendations. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. DAVID CRAWFORD David Crawford, 215 Arch Street, Hudson, Wisconsin 54016 was requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a Dog Kennel on land he owns on. 205th Street. The Planning Commission recommended the public hearing be tabled for 60 days. Mr. Duane Thompson and Mr. Paul Rasmussen would do a site inspection and the clerk would contact May Township regarding the kennel requirements in the township. DANIEL ANDERSON Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to Daniel Anderson, 1362,0 Melanie Trail, Scandia, MN 55073. Lots 7, 8, 15, 16 and A Losinger Lakeview Addition. page 3 To construct a addition to existing home with a 100 feet to 67.5 feet lake setback and findings are that it is a lateral addition and that there is no other site to build. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendation. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. ROBERT SCHWARTZ Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance's to Robert Schwartz, 23249 Lofton Court, Scandia, MN 55073. Lot 14 Sandgren Addition. To construct a 24' X 26" two level garage. 1) Lot size 1 1/2 acres required 1/2 acre existing. 2) Road setback 40 feet to 5 feet. 3) Garage closer to the road then the house. Variances granted with the following conditions: 1) No closer than 5 feet from the road right of way. 2) No closer than 20 feet from the blacktop surface. 3) Permit is contingent upon a plan approved in advance of any construction by the Town Engineer that precludes drainage from the proposed lower driveway from infringing upon any adjacent property and approval by the Town Board. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendations. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion. The motion then went into discussion and the above motion did not pass. Kevin Nickelson made the following motion to allow a 2 car garage on the upper level, because of the need for a garage, but no need for a 4 car garage. View of the fact it is hard to get to the lower level and therefor the driveway should just enter to the top level. In the future if Mr. Schwartz wants to enter on the lower level he must have detailed plans approved by the Township Engineer and also the Town Board. The above motion shall include all the variances recommended by the Planning Commission. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. page 4 DALE JACOBSON Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to renew the Conditional Use Permit for Dale Jacobson, 10307 209th Street, Forest Lake, MN 55025 to operate a Bakery on his home premises for one year with renewal date May 1, 1995. Duane Thompson made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendation. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. SHARON LINDBERG Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to renew the Conditional Use Permit for Sharon Lindberg, 14511 Oakhill Road, Scandia, MN 55073 for rental property for 5 years with renewal date May 1, 1999. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendation. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. SPECIAL TOWN BOARD BUSINESS BONDING FOR 1994 ROAD IMPROVEMENT Mr. James Lindberg and Mr. Greg Isaacson from Security State Bank of Marine and Scandia presented a financing proposal for the bond issue for the 1994 Road Improvement Project. A summary of cost savings was proposed in the amount of $16,135.00 for the township. Mr. David Hebert was concerned about the legality regarding this as part of the project is assessed to the residents. Mr. Hebert would research this issue with the township bond counsel and this item will be on the May 17, 1994 agenda. LAWN MOWING It was agreed the lawn mowing for the Community Center and surrounding areas would be added to the manual laborer job description. Duane Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Dolores Peterson New Scandia Township clerkj''