07-05-94 tbJuly 5, 1994
New Scandia Town Board held their regular scheduled meeting on
the above date before the Planning Commission meeting. The
following Town Board members were present: Charles Nordin,
Chairman, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen,
and Duane Thompson.
Forsell and Fee Fence Problems
Paul Rasmussen informed the board that Duane Thompson, Kevin
Nickelson and Mr Rasmussen had viewed the site and there was an
electric fence installed and Mr Forsell seemed to be satisfied
with the fence, although it is not the proper fence according to
statue. Ms Hadlich reported the Forsell's had called her and
they are not satisified with the fence. Kevin Nickelson, Duane
Thompson, Paul Rasmussen shall met with Mr Forsell and Mr Fee on
July 14, 1994 at 7:00 pm and the clerk shall notify the parties
by mail.
Sale of Township Bonds
The clerk presented the proposal for the purchase of the General
Obligation Road Improvement Bond Issue in the amount of
$581,000.00 from Security State of Marine.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to award the sale of $581,000.00 of
General Obligation Bonds for the 1994 Road Improvement Project
and adopt the resolution 07-05-94. Edith Hadlich seconded the
motion. Edith Hadlich, yes, Charles Nordin, yes, Kevin
Nickelson, yes, Paul Rasmussen, yes and Duane Thompson, yes.
Motion adopted.
Oxboro Avenue
Duane Thompson made a motion to adopt
the Town Board Chairman and Clerk to
Valley Paving for the improvement of
according to plans and specifications
$110,200.00. Kevin Nickelson seconded
Scott Bakken
the resolution to authorize
enter into a contract with
Oxboro Avenue intersection
in the amount of
and motion passed
Mr Bakken purchased 35 acres from Mr Hallberg on 239th Street and
the county could not issue a building permit as a T turn around
was to be built to township specifications and an easement on
239th Street was to be dedicated. Mr Thompson had viewed the
property and stated there is a need for a T turn around. Kevin
Nickelson made a motion accept a cashiers check from Scott Bakken
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in the amount of $1500.00 to cover the cost of the above
requirements, so Mr Bakken's building permit could be issued.
Mr Bakken enclosed a letter stating the requirements shall be
completed by October 31, 1994,. Duane Thompson seconded the
motion and motion passed unanimous.
Podium For Community Center
Mr Rasmussen presented a picture of the podium for the Community
Center and it was agreed that Tom Obst would speak to the
Scandia/Marine Lions regarding a donation for this item.
Craig and Sue Wilcox (Dog Kennel)
Mr Patrick Kelley, Mr James Wyatt and Ms Teresa Dean adjoining
property owners expressed their concerns about a Dog Kennel at
18631 La Mar, Marine, MN. Their main concerns were for the
welfare of the animals, no kennel license and the odor from the
number of dogs.
The clerk had been informed of this problem as a Washington County
Deputy had spoken to the office several times in the past week.
The clerk would contact the Washington County Department of
Health and inform the department to make a inspection of the site
and the Animal Control Officer from Washington County will also
make an inspection.
Duane Thompson made a motion to adjourn.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandi Township Clerk