07-19-94 tbJuly 19, 1994 The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following Board Members were present: Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen. and Duane Thompson. Edith Hadlich made a motion to accept the following consent agenda: A. Call to order B. Clerk's minutes from 6/14/94, 6/20/94 and 6/28/94 C. Approval of the Treasurer's report: Balance May 31, 1994 $550,325.00 Receipts 7,617.00 Expense 91,628.00 Balance $466,143.00 D. Approval for payments of July expenditures E. Adjournment Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion approved unanimous. FIRE CHIEF Steve Spence reported the fire hydrant by Goose Lake Landing was replaced and also informed the board of the need of a new Grass Fire Rig for the cost of approximately $37,000.00. PARKS AND RECREATION A letter of resignation was read from Erich Bogel from the Parks and Recreation Committee. Duane Thompson made a motion to accept the letter of resignation from Erich Bogel. Paul Rasmussen seconded and approved unanimous. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to advertise in the Country Messenger for candidates interested to serve on the Parks and Recreation Committee and any further committees. Duane Thompson seconded the motion approved unanimous. page 2 COMMITTEE MEMBER TERMS If a Committee Member resigns before their term expires the new member may fill out the former committee term and serve one more term. ROAD COMMITTEE (DUANE THOMPSON) Duane Thompson suggested the sale of the snow plower purchased in 1991, which is in the Scandia Storage and has only been used one time since the purchase. Kevin Nickelson stated he was not interested in selling the piece of equipment and the board should wait another year to make a decision. Duane Thompson reported the township should receive approximately $68,000.00 in the TIF Monies and requested permission to instruct Tom Prew, Township Engineer to prepare plans for site distance on 185th and Norell and regrade of corner and hill on 192nd and Layton. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to instruct the Township Engineer to prepare a feasibility report and plan for the above road work. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion approved unanimous. Duane Thompson acquired estimates and is proceeding with Helke Tree Trimming on Parish and Quint. TOWNSHIP ENGINEER TOM PREW Ms Shirley Nagle had presented pictures regarding the curve on Layton and 187th, which was just regraded with the 1993 Drainage Project in the Bliss Plat. Ms Nagle felt the curve was to narrow and you can not meet cars safely. Mr Prew would inspect this site. Mr Prew reported the feasibility of constructing a sidewalk on Oakhill Road from the Elementary School to Olinda Trail; and from the intersection of 209th Street and Olinda Trail to the Community Center entrance and providing street lights on Oakhill Road. The sidewalk project cost is approximately $52,700.00. The engineer recommended the township review the available street lights from Northern States Power before proceeding with the street light project. It was agreed the board consider installation of a sidewalk from Oakhill to Olinda Trail for the approximate cost of $39,400.00. This item will be tabled until the August 16, 1994 Town Board meeting. Tom Prew, Engineer recommended final payment to Peterson Excavating for the 1993 Drainage Improvements in the Bliss Addition in the amount of $3,127.98. page 3 Duane Thompson made a motion to make final payment to Peterson Excavating in the amount $3,127.98 for the 1993 Drainage in Bliss Addition. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion approved unanimous. INCREASE IN ESCROW FEES FOR MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS Kevin Nickelson made a motion the Escrow Fees for Major Subdivisions be in the amount of $1,000.00. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion approved unanimous. FOREST LAKE WATERSHED Blair Joselyn gave a report from the Forest Lake Watershed and stated the Watershed focused mainly on Forest Lake and the board is now focusing more on including the smaller lakes in New Scandia Township, (Goose Lake and Bone Lake). The following are issues the township may have to consider in the upcoming years. (1) Lake Association of Bone Lake and Goose Lake. (2) A by pass pipe on Bone Lake inlet towards the west to reduce the phosphorus level. (3) Hydraulic Study for the need on Bone Lake and Goose Lake in the range of $30,000.00. (4) A third appointment to the Watershed. (5) Local Surface Watershed Plan needs to be completed. Duane Thompson made a motion to appoint Kevin Nickelson to the Forest Lake Watershed Board for a term of one year. The term to be completed May 1995 as he has been in attendance since May of 1994. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. Susan Haugen Minnesota Municipal Clerks Institute Susan Haugen gave a report on the Minnesota Municipal Clerks Institute, which she is attending the week of July 15, 1994. She reported on the compliance with the American Disabled Association; requirements for job descriptions, and drug testing policy for all employees. There was question regarding the motion for the issuance of the check to Minnesota Association of Townships for the Institute and it was stated perhaps in future the township should have a motion on the above. page 4 CRAIG AND SUE WILCOX DOG KENNEL Ms Teresa Dean and Mr James Wyatt where in attendance and where concerned about the dog problems at the Craig and Sue Wilcox residence at 18631 La Mar Street, Marine, MN. Ms Dean and Mr Wyatt informed Ms Wilcox would be in attendance at the August 2, 1994 Planning Commission meeting. GRAVEL PITS SPECIAL PERMITS FOR WEEKEND HAULING It was agreed all Supervisors be notified if a pit is granted permission to haul on weekends. RECYCLING GRANT DISTRIBUTION Edith Hadlich made a motion to sign the Recycling Grant Distribution Agreement with Washington County. Kevin Nickelson seconded and motion passed unanimous. BEER LICENSE FOR TACO DAYS (SCANDIA MARINE LIONS) Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Beer License for Scandia/Marine Lions for September 10, 1994 for the annual Taco Days Celebration for New Scandia Township. Edith Hadlich seconded and motion passed unanimous. lores Peterson New Scandia Township Clerk