08-02-94 tbAugust 2, 1994 New Scandia Town Board held their regular scheduled meeting on the above date before the Planning Commission meeting. The following Town Board Members were present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Edith hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen and Duane Thompson. SCOTT BAKKEN 239TH STREET TURN AROUND Kevin Nickelson made a motion the township require a 60 X 120 foot easement from property owner Scott Bakken for a T turn around and if and when the turn around is constructed the township shall construct the turn around. It was the townships' responsibility to require the T Turn Around in the past and this was not completed. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. BEER LICENSE FOR SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign the Beer License for the Wayne Erickson Softball Tournament on August 5,6,7, 1994. Duane Thompson seconded and the motion passed unanimous. EXPENDITURES FOR THE TOWNSHIP The Clerk reviewed the expenditure for the Clerks Institute and informed the board this item was included in the consent agenda with the June expenditures. The Clerk stated if a expenditure is not included in the budget, this item could be a separate item on the agenda for board discussion and approval. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to give Duane Thompson, Road Supervisor permission an expenditure to a maximum of $2,000.00 on specific projects between the board meeting on the lst Tuesday of the month and the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Paul Rasmussen seconded and motion passed unanimous. SIDEWALKS (UPTOWN) AND OZARK AVENUE EXTENSION The sidewalk for uptown and Ozark Avenue extension will be on the August agenda for citizen input. MITCH AMMERMAN OLDFIELD ROAD (EROSION PROBLEM) Mr Blair Joselyn questioned the erosion problem on Oldfield Road and the clerk informed the board she was meeting with Molly Shodeen from the Department of Natural of Resources to view the problems this week. page 2 EXTENSION SERVICE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Kevin Nickelson stated there is an Extension Service for General Planning of the Township through the University of Minnesota. Kevin Nickelson, Nancy Madden, Blair Joselyn and Tom Vogen would attend a meeting regarding this program. BLAIR JOSELYN FOREST LAKE WATERSHED Blair Joselyn expressed his concern about the local Water Management Plan. It was agreed Curt Sparks shall attend the Planning Commission in September. GRAVEL MINING ORDINANCE Charles Nordin advised the Town Board and Planning commission members to review the County Mining Ordinance and stated all enforcing should probably be conducted by the County level and the township could still hold the annual Public Hearing for the gravel pits with a representative present from the County. This item will be on the agenda for the September Planning Commission meeting. MARVIN SANDGREN Duane Thompson informed the board that Marvin Sandgren, Maintenance laborer has a problem with his health at this time and it was agreed the doctor would be contacted for a written report regarding what Mr Sandgren could perform as to work duties. Meeting adjourned. P,o r s terso ca is Township Clerk