08-16-94 tbAugust 16, 1994 The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following Board Members were present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen and Duane Thompson. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the following consent agenda. A. Call to order B. Clerks minutes for 7/5/94 and 7/11/94 C. Approval of Treasurers report Balance June 30, 1994 $ 466,315.70 Receipts 1,027,320.57 Expense 61,998.18 $1,431,638.09 D. Approval for payments of August expenditures E. Adjournment Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. TOWNSHIP ENGINEER (TOM PREW) Tom Prew requested partial payments in two parts for Valley Paving for the Road Project 1994, $53,085.35 and Oxboro Intersection $19,531.05. Paul Rasmussen made a motion for payment to Valley Paving in the amount of $53,085.35 for 1994 Road Project and $19,531.05 for Oxboro Intersection. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. Tom Prew presented grading plans for 197th Street, Norell, 185th Street, Larkspur and Layton. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the plans and bid the project. 185th Street, Norell, Larkspur and Layton shall be funded from TIF Monies. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. page 2 SIDEWALK AND OZARK AVENUE Mr Thompson informed the Board the two main property owners are not willing to provide land and easements for the extension of Ozark Avenue, so therefore the Ozark extension shall be deleted. A sidewalk from Olinda to Oakhill Road approximately 1400 feet for the cost of $40,000.00 was discussed. Vivian Westermeier stated she was not in favor of the project and felt the sidewalk would not be used enough. Bonnie Olsen stated this would be a asset to the children and Scandia School and a lot of children walk and ride bike to school in the spring and fall. Bruce Swenson stated this would provide the opportunity for pedestrian to get off the highway and felt there is a vision problem in that area of Oakhill Road. It was agreed the Board needs more input on this matter and the Home Owners would have a ballot box at their booth and Mr Nickelson and Mr Rasmussen would contact Tim Remus regarding this subject. UPTOWN SEPTIC SYSTEM (AL GOODMAN) Mr Goodman stated the drain field use has been increased and therefore sewage tank effluent discharge to the ground surface has accrued. Mr Goodman felt the church has adequate on site area and most businesses could install holding tanks, but the restaurant would need a off site location. He also stated that virtually all buildings have water meters and the Department of Health needs to know the daily water use. The alternative of the project, which is in phase one, and phase two would be to pump down to land in the south cemetery on Olinda Trail, but the County was opposed to placing this on road right of way. Mr Bruce Swenson suggested the township purchase the Turnblad farm off of 205th Street and do a sewer system, historical site and recreational complex. Wayne Schmitt expressed his needs as owner of the properties uptown. Mr Tom Prew, Township Engineer asked the question does the township want to get into the sewer business and it appeared they did not want a municipal sewer. The Town Board felt the township has a responsibility to the businesses to maintain the uptown area and there could be possible grants available for the project if the town got involved. page 3 It was agreed to nominate Bruce Swenson, Chairman of the Uptown Septic System Feasibility Committee and pick a committee of 13 including representative from Washington County, one Town Board Member, one Planning Commission Member and Church Council Member. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to allow the expenditure up to $1,000.00 for the Septic System Feasibility Committee. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. GRADER OPERATOR (BRAIN JEMELKA) Kevin Nickelson made a motion to increase the salary wage from $14.55 to $14.68 for Brian Jemelka, Grader Operator. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. SHORELINE ORDINANCE Paul Rasmussen made a motion to pass resolution for the Shoreline Ordinance with reference to 503.02 to conform with the Washington County Ordinance. Edith Hadlich seconded and motion passed unanimous. Duane Thompson made a motion to publish a summary in the legal paper for the Shoreline Ordinance. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous. BARTON SAND AND GRAVEL Mr Nordin stated when Barton Sand and Gravel request for weekend hauling he will contact all the Town Board Members regarding the hauling and Ms Janice Nickelson will also be contacted when Barton has asked for permission and the decision if it was permitted or not permitted. The letter from Dennis Christ and Jill Briggs was reviewed by the board and the clerk would address the questions in a letter to Mr Christ and Ms Briggs. BLISS AREA UPDATE The board informed the clerk the Department of Health from Washington County should send letter to property owners who were in violation in the Bliss area. ELECTION JUDGE The Clerk named the following Election and General Election: Darlen Waskey, Judy Woodhouse, Sue Haugen, Kathy Carlisle and Judge. page 4 Election Judges for the Primary Gwen McCurdy, Mary Hulleman, Rita Hageman, Shirley Ahlm Dolores Peterson Head Election Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Election Judges for the Primary Election and General Election. Duane Thompson seconded and motion passed unanimous. Dolores Peterson New Scandia Township Clerk