09-06-94 tbSeptember 6, 1994
The New Scandia Town Board held their regular monthly meeting on
the above date. The following Board Members were present:
Chairman, Charles Nordin, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Paul
Rasmussen and Duane Thompson.
1994 Road Improvement Protect
Duane Thompson, Road Supervisor reported a letter had been sent
to Valley Paving Construction regarding the completion of the
Road Project, which was to be completed by September 2, 1994.
The Park and Recreation was on the agenda and no representative
was present. Mr Paul Rasmussen stated they would be in
attendance at the September 16, 1994 Town Board Meeting.
The Clerk reported that one person had called and expressed
interest in serving on Township Committees. The Clerk was
directed to advertise this item in the Country Messenger for
more response.
Mr Kevin Nickelson questioned if the Township could purchase
property and have a cost share for sewer purposes which has been
done for residents in Sangren Addition and Anderson Addition. He
was informed this was under the 201 Project and was included in
Grant Funds.
Mr Nickelson also questioned a cost share for the sidewalk Elim
Lutheran Church is proposing on Olinda Trail to the Parking Lot
on 209th Street. These items will be discussed at a later date.
Mr Charles Nordin made a motion to instruct the Clerk to send a
letter to Bracht Bros Inc and Dresel Contracting to inform them
about the Gravel Mining Ordinance in reference to operating hours
and that no operation except for minor repairs on equipment is
allowed on Saturday, Sunday or Holidays and a if an emergency
for hauling on Saturday arises the Contracting Companies shall
contact Mr Charles Nordin, Chairman of the Town Board. A copy of
this letter shall be sent to Mr Loren Morris on 185th Street.
Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimous.
page 2
Duane Thompson made a motion to wavier the Minor Subdivision for
the 2 1/2 acres, which was in error on the deed approximately in
1970 and approve the conveyance of land from John Peters and
William Ruddy and stamp the, deed. Paul Rasmussen seconded the
motion and motion passed unanimous.
Meeting adjourned.
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New ScanWa Township Clerk