11-01-94 tb, pcNovember 1, 1994
On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their
regular monthly meeting. The following Board Members were also
present: Charles Nordin, Chairman, Edith Hadlich, Kevin
Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen and Duane Thompson.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
variance to Scott Lodien, 23123 Lofton Avenue, Scandia, MN 55073.
Part of Lot B, Sandgren Addition. For a storage shed already
constructed closer to the road then the house, due to there
is no other place on the property for the shed. The conditions
being the color match the house and trees and shrubs be planted
to screen the shed.
Duane Thompson made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion. Kevin
Nickelson stated it is unfortunate the County made the error and
it would be a hardship for Mr Lodien to move the shed now.
Motion passed unanimously.
Blair Joselyn suggested that Planning Commission members and Town
Board members view the reclamation plans and copies of the County
Permits for the Mining Operations in the Township.
The township clerk would contact the Washington County Sheriff
Department and Washington County Department of Health about
complaints regarding the pits that their departments have
received during the 1994 season operations.
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Paul Rasmussen was absent from this meeting.