11-01-94 tbNovember 1, 1994 On the above date New Scandia Town Board held their regular scheduled meeting. Charles Nordin, Chairman called the meeting to order. Present were: Charles Nordin, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Duane Thompson. Paul Rasmussen was absent. CONTINUATION OF ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR THE 1994 ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Duane Thompson made a motion.to change the assessable units for Daniel Manthey from nine (9) assessable units to eight (8) assessable units as the split approval was not shown on the half section maps. Katherine Banse assessable unit be changed to two (2) assessable units as this also was in the split approval and was not chosen on the half section maps. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. HARVEY LINDGREN FIELD ENTRANCE Edith Hadlich made a motion to install a field entrance on 197th Street for Harvey Lindgren and Mr Lindgren has agreed to cancel the appeal for the proposed assessment. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLE FOR THE 1994 ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Kevin Nickelson made a motion to adopt the Resolution For The Assessment Role For The 1994 Road Improvement Project. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. 3 JACK ROSENOUIST COMPLAINTS REGARDING NEIGHBORS AT 21590 PENNFIELD AVENUE Mr Rosenquist informed the board that his neighbors at 215-0 Pennfield Avenue have less then 5 acres and at this time they have three horses, three dogs, two goats and cats on the property. He stated the dogs are German Shepherds and they are in his yard and this morning the dogs where on their patio. The township office has written to the resident regarding the dog problem and Mr Paul Tatting, Washington County Department of Health has contacted the resident regarding the number of animals on the property. The town board instructed the town clerk to send a certified letter to Mr Brian Markham and Ms Grace Golden regarding the Dog Ordinance and Ordinance pertaining to The Keeping of Animals, which requires 5 acres to allow animals. The board informed Ms Peterson to instruct Mr Markham and Ms Golden to remove one horse and the two goats from the property to help remedy the amount of animals and that Mr Paul Tatting, Washington County Department of Health shall inspect the property in 30 days. Mr Gordon Rydeen informed the board about the dead end sign posted by Orwell Avenue and Mr Rydeen was informed this was posted by the Hazard Elimination Program and when the State did the survey of the roads it was a dead end as Elwood Pheasant Glen Plat was not constructed at the time. Mr Nickelson informed Mr Rydeen the sign would be removed on November 2, 1994. Edith Hadlich made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Do ores— rson New Sca is Township Clerk