11-15-94 tbNovember 15, 1994 The regular monthly meeting was called to order by, Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following Board Members were present: Charles Nordin, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Duane Thompson and Paul Rasmussen. Duane Thompson made a motion to accept the following consent agenda with correction on minutes for October 18, 1994. A. Call to order. B. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 10/18/94. C. Approval of treasurer's report. Balance October 1, 1994 Receipts Expenditures Balance D. Adjournment $1,247.965.96 17,683.48 197,100.96 $1,068,548.48 Edith Hadlich seconded and motion passed unanimously. PARKS AND RECREATION Paul Rasmussen made a motion to grant permission to the Park and Recreation Committee to authorize Peterson Excavating to haul the appropriate tonnage of trap rock at contact price of $9.87 per ton and allow $200.00 for grading. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. ROAD COMMITTEE It was agreed to change the rotary head for the tractor mower. Duane Thompson made a motion to pay the partial payment of $153,502.94 to Valley Paving for the 1994 Road Improvement. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. page 2 Paul Rasmussen made a motion to pay the partial payment of $43,426.94 to Bituminous Consulting for the 1994 Street Grading Project. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. PAUL SWENSON AND RON LUECK The town board made the following statement regarding the Paul Swenson and Ron Lueck property in reference to the 1994 Road Improvement Assessment. Paul Rasmussen made a motion that in the best judgement of the town board the lots for Paul Swenson and Ron Lueck are buildable lots at this time and have been assessed as such. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Reference: Parcel I.D. 91003-2300-2320, 91725-2550, 2600. SAM GRIFFITH (CARNELIAN MARINE TAX ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY) Sam Griffith reported the policy for the excess funds from the Tax Increment Financing District. Some of the projects completed this year were an analysis of the 201 Sewer System capacity and contour mapping of the Watershed District. All projects must relate to the high water problems. PULL TABS AT THE TRAILS END Michael Cunningham representing Chisago Lakes Area Recreation was requesting permission to sell pull tabs at the Trails End. The board informed Mr Cunningham and Ms Nelson that the proceeds should come back to the Scandia Community. Edith Hadlich made a motion to allow the sale of pull tabs by Chisago Lakes Area Recreation on the premises of the Trails End, 16297 Scandia Trail, Washington County, Scandia, MN 55073. Kevin Nickelson seconded and motion passed unanimously. FRANK LANGER (APPROVAL OF BOUNDARY LINE) Paul Rasmussen made a motion to waiver the Minor Subdivision for a land division between Langer and Williams, that part of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 11, Township 32, Range 20 West and this piece of property cannot be sold separately from Lot 1 of Goose Lakes Woods. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passedunanimously. UPTOWN SEWER COMMITTEE Bruce Swenson, Chairman of the Uptown Sewer Committee, presented survey results. Mr Swenson reported of the sixty five (65) parcels, which could be involved in the system forty four (44) responded. Twelve (12) said they would be willing to be included page 3 in the sewer project, twenty four (24) said no, and four (4) residents where undecided. It was agreed the property owned by Washington County Redevelopment Authority would be explored for a possible site and the clerk would contact Sam Griffith with the Washington County Redevelopment Authority to meet Mr Al Goodman at the site. This item will be discussed at the December Town Board meeting. PAPER SHREDDER FOR OFFICE Paul Rasmussen made a motion to purchase a paper shredder for the township office in the amount of approximately $150.00. Edith Hadlich seconded and motion passed unanimously. Dolores rson New Scan Township Clerk