12-06-94 tbNew Scandia Town Board held their
above date. The following board
Nordin, Chairman, Edith Hadlich,
and Paul Rasmussen.
Goose Lake Association
December 6, 1994
regular monthly meeting on the
members were present: Charles
Kevin Nickelson, Duane Thompson
Mr John Maloney representing the Goose Lake Association presented
an application for the CORE PROJECT through the Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources, Section of Fisheries, requesting
the consideration of a portable pump and baffle aeration system
for Goose Lake.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to submit the application to the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Section of Fisheries
for the consideration of a portable pump and baffle aeration
system for Goose Lake. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and
motion passed unanimously.
Ubtown Sewer Svstem
Bruce Swenson presented a map showing Parcel A and B owned by the
Washington County Housing Redevelopment Authority, which is
approximately 5 acres and was requesting the township contact the
Washington County Housing Redevelopment Authority for the
possibility of a septic system for the uptown businesses.
It was agreed that Mr Charles Nordin, Township Chairman would
contact Sam Griffith, with Washington County Housing
Redevelopment Authority about the possibility acquiring land from
the Housing for uptown septic system.
Comprehensive Plan Review With Metropolitan Council
The clerk reported the need for a land use planning map with the
Comprehensive Plan for the township and the Metropolitan Council
would accept the existing land use map if the township would
rename the map.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to rename the Existing Land Use Map
to Land Use Plan and Existing Land Use Map. Kevin Nickelson
seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
page 2
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to add the following amendment to
the Comprehensive Plan and adopt a Stormwater Management
Ordinance by July 1, 1995.
The Township of New Scandia will apply National Urban Runoff
Program (NURP) standards for the design of new stormwater ponds
and the MPCA's urban best management practices titled Protecting
Water Quality in Urban Areas to the review of any proposed
development occurring in the Township of New Scandia to reduce
nonpoint source pollutant loadings in stormwater runoff. The
Township of New Scandia will incorporate the standards and
requirements in its stormwater management plan and land use
controls to implement this policy.
Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
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Township Clerk