12-20-94 tbDecember 20, 1994
The New Scandia Town Board held their regular monthly on the
above date. The following Board Members were present: Chairman,
Charles Nordin, Edith Hadlich, Paul Rasmussen and Duane Thompson.
Kevin Nickelson was absent.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the following consent
A. Call to order
Clerk's minutes have been presented for 11/15/94 and
Approval of Treasurer's Report
Balance November 1, 1994
D. Adjournment
$ 704,772.73
Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Fire Chief Steve Spence
Mr Steve Spence was concerned about the construction of 197th
Street and requested more fill on the north west corner of the
turn around. Mr Spence was informed more fill would be hauled in.
Mr Spence stated the Fire and Rescue Department would be
purchasing a grass vehicle this spring and would prefer to bid
the chassis and apparatus separate.
Duane Thompson made a motion to authorize the Fire and Rescue
Department to receive quotes for the chassis and tank for a new
grass vehicle under separate quotes. Edith Hadlich seconded and
motion passed unanimously.
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Parks and Recreation
Ms Bard Burgum and Ms Shirley Sova presented a proposed Parks and
Trail System for New Scandia Township. This item will be
discussed at the January 17, 1995, Town Board meeting as the
board members will have reviewed the plan by that date.
Road Committee (Duane Thompson)
Mr Thompson stated the Road Committee needs another member and it
was agreed to interview for the Road Committee on January 3, 1995
at 6:30 P.M. before the regular meeting at 7:00 P.M.
Mr Thompson reported on items that will be requested for projects
to be funded by TIF monies.
1. To construct a 8 x 8 concrete box culvert to connect
Big Marine Lake and Big Marine Bay.
2. ACMP'culvert replaced with ARC culvert on Mayberry
Trail just west of entrance to DNR Public Access.
3. The possibility of acquiring vacant lots, which are
nonbuildable around Big Marine Lake for parks and
open land.
Tom Prew Township Engineer
Mr Prew presented a letter stating the Bituminous Policy should
be changed and that all the townships roads should have three (3)
inches of bituminous surfacing.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept 202nd Street in Elwood
Pheasant Glen. Duane Thompson seconded and motion passed
Edith Hadlich made a motion to approve the final payment to
Bituminous Surfacing for the 1994 Road Grading Project. Duane
Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Edith Hadlich made a motion for payment of $200.00 to Central
Landscaping, contractor for the Lofton Court Project to install
a trash guard. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion
passed unanimously.
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David Hebert Township Engineer
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the deeds for Georgetta
Hage, Bradley Anderson and Donald Klocker for a portion of part
of Govt. Lot 3, Section 5, Township 32, Range 20 and to wavier
the requirements of a Minor Subdivision as this is to correct a
boundary line.
Connie Koutek Street Light For Meadowbrook and 228th Street
Ms Connie Koutek has contacted the township office and Mr
Thompson requesting, a street light on Meadowbrook and 228th
Street and it was agreed Mr Thompson review the area to decide
the need of lighting at Meadowbrook and 228th Street and what
type maybe possible.
Additional Space For Community Center
Mr Tom Prew will contact a architect from TKDA to inspect the
building and prepare drawings for additional space.
Uptown Septic System
Mr Nordin reported he had spoken to Mr Sam Griffith from
Washington County Development Authority and Mr Griffith informed
Mr Nordin a letter must be sent to the Washington County
Development Authority, Board of Commissioners, requesting the
usage or lease of the parcels for the uptown septic system. The
letter was sent to Mr Griffith and Mr Griffith would notify the
township office with the results of the meeting, which is being
held this week.
Wetland Replacement Plan For Riverview Estates Plat
Edith Hadlich made a motion to
Plan for Riverview Estates Plat
motion passed unanimously.
Uniform Election Law
accept the Wetland Replacement
. Paul Rasmussen seconded and
Edith Hadlich made a motion that New Scandia Township not adopt
the Uniform Election Law and the township shall hold the regular
election in March, as the township has held in previous years.
Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Big Lake School, Park and Ride Site
It was agreed not to install the Park and Ride signs at the Big
Lake School at this time as there is a need for grading the area.
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Transfer of Police Funds
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to transfer $50,000.00 from the
Police Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund. Edith Hadlich seconded
the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Kevin Madden's Letter Regarding Intersection of Highway 97 and
Manning Trail
It was agreed to send a copy of the letter directed to Mr George
Lindgren from Washington County Department of Health, Environment
and Land Management, regarding the sales lot on Highway 97 and
Manning Trail.
Review of Job Descriptions and Job Performance
It was agreed not to review employees for job performance. The
job descriptions for the Maintenance Person and Senior
Maintenance Person were reviewed. The job opening for the
Maintnenace Person will be posted and advertised, approximately
in the middle of February, 1995.
Do res P_.eterson
New Scandi Township Clerk