01-03-95 tb,pcJanuary 3, 1995 On the above date, New Scandia Township Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting the following Town Board Members were present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen and Duane Thompson. Charles Benson The Charles Benson hearing was tabled until the February 7, 1995. William Soth Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to owner Rex King, 13290 182nd Street, Marine, MN 55047 and applicant, Bill Soth, 2764 West Lake of the Isles Parkway, Minneapolis, MN 55416. The East 97 Feet of Lot 1, Big Lake View Addition and Part of vacated Lake Avenue. A variance to add a 16 foot by 24 foot addition and an 8 foot by 10 foot screen porch. With the following conditions: 1. Construction must take place in accordance with the plans submitted. The addition shall be at least 70 feet from the normal ordinary high water mark and not exceed the height of the existing structure. The existing structure is not to be raised. 2. Erosion control barriers must be installed around the limits of construction site prior to the start of construction. Duane Thompson made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendation. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Gravel Mining Permit Town Board and Planning Commission members reviewed the process of mining permits, such as; applications, reclamation plans, erosion, etc. Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to accept Mr Plowman's revisions to the application for permit to excavate, remove, or store gravel or other material as found in computer files appl--gr and applgr2. 1, 2, and 3 become H, I and J. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept, Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Dolores --Pei rson New Scand'a Township Clerk