01-24-95 special tbJanuary 24, 1995
On the above date New Scandia Town Board held a special meeting
to review and address the following petition, which was presented
at the January 17, 1995, Town Board meeting. Shall Option B,
providing for the appointment of the clerk and treasurer, be
abandoned for the government of the town?
Duane Thompson made a motion to accept the petition with 116
signatures and the question be placed on the March 14, 1995 Town
Election, motion seconded,,this motion was not voted on.
The clerk informed the board the filing had opened for the
position for the clerk and treasurer, as there was a need to
publicize this in the legal paper and also informed the board
the filing days for township offices should be 15 days and do to
the short notice on the petition the filing for these offices
will be 8 days.
Duane Thompson made a motion to elect the positions the following
year, upon passage of Option B. Edith Hadlich seconded the
motion, and this motion was not voted on.
There was much discussion as the board and residents felt only
the question would be on the ballot. The clerk informed them the
office had been in contact with the State Board Of Elections and
Mr Hebert, Township Attorney and that is the way the State Statue
Ms Haugen discussed election versus appointment and was concerned
about changing personal for the positions and the need for
experience, knowledge, etc.
Mr Steve Morris requested the petitioners, submit what type of
benefit this would be for New Scandia and the cost benefit.
Duane Thompson made a motion, because of the need for more
clarification the board agreed to table this item and continue
the meeting, January 25, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. Kevin Nickelson
seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Beer License For Firemans Ball
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign the Beer License for the
Firemans Ball, February 25, 1995. Edith Hadlich seconded the
motion and motion passed unanimously.
Dolores terson