02-07-95 tb,pcFebruary 7, 1995
On the above date New Scandia Township Planning Commission held
their regular monthly meeting. The following board members were
also present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Kevin Nickelson and Paul
Rasmussen. The following members were absent: Edith Hadlich and
Duane Thompson.
Greg and Sharon Wald Making Tracks
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
Conditional Use Permit to owner, Wayne Schmitt, 21080 Olinda
Trail, Scandia, MN 55073 and applicant, Greg and Sharon Wald,
20310 Olinda Trail, Marine, MN 55047. Lot 3, Scandia Addition.
For Making Tracks at 21080 Olinda Trail, Scandia, MN 55073 for
two years.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion
passed unanimously.
Charles Benson
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
approval for Charles Benson,,,23230 Melanie Trail, Scandia, MN
55073, Lot 9, Block 1, Dahlin Estates, to construct a boat house
to be placed 100' back from the lake and said boat house being
12' X 28" on the grounds that this is the best of several
locations on the property for this building. the building to be
kept at 12' height limit and the siding and roof match the house.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation, Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion. Mr David
Hebert, Township Attorney informed the board that a hardship has
to be established. He stated the size of the boat is no reason
to grant the variance. A 300 square foot building could be at
the top of the hill, but Mr Benson would have had to cut trees in
that area for the placement and this does not constitute a
hardship. Mr Nickelson stated he has a problem with a hardship
for this request and it has been centered around the boat.
Paul Rasmussen voted in favor of the motion, Kevin Nickelson
voted no and Charles Nordin voted no. Motion defeated.
Lois Miller (Mille Ridge Country Store)
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
Conditional Use Permit to Lois Miller, 18640 Olinda Trail,
Marine, MN 55047. Part of Government Lots 2 and 3, Section 34,
Township 32, Range 20. To operate the Mille Ridge Country Store
for two years with the following conditions:
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1) The business is open from May to December.
2) Products sold to be agriculturally related.
3) The sign conforms to County specifications.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion
passed unanimously.
Ronald and Sara Mullins Riverview Estates
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board approval of the
Final Plat approval for Riverview Estates, subject of Washington
County Plat Commission, dated December 1994, contingent upon
completion of a Developers Agreement and incorporate
recommendation of Forest Lake Watershed Management Organization.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept, Kevin Nickelson seconded
the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Gravel Mining Application Workshop
The Planning Commission and Town Board members had a workshop to
review the changes in New Scandia Township gravel mining permit
issuance and compliance. The form was completed and is on the
computer file recperm. The adoption of this form will be on the
February 21, 1995 Town Board meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
D lores Peterson
New Scandia Township Clerk