03-21-95 bd of auditMarch 21, 1995 On the above date the Board of Audit meet at 10:30 p.m. Due to the large number of voters the Election results were not available for the Annual Meeting. The Board of Audit consisted of the following Board Members: Charles Nordin, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen and Duane Thompson. The Clerk read the following results: New Scandia Township Supervisor Seat One Charles Nordin received 653 votes Erich Bogel received 141 votes Steve Morris received 166 votes Blank 32 Write In 3 New Scandia Township Supervisor Seat Two Paul Rasmussen received 712 votes Tom Obst received 240 votes Blank 32 votes Write In 1 votes Spoiled 10 votes Township Clerk Dolores Peterson received 895 votes Blank 78 votes Write In 22 votes Township Treasurer Susan Haugen 916 votes Blank 75 votes Write In 4 votes Option B Shall Option B, providing for the appointment of the Clerk and Treasurer by the Town Board be abandoned for the government of the town? Yes 183 No 803 Blank 8 Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the election results as follows: Charles Nordin, Seat One, Paul Rasmussen Seat Two and Option B, which shall have the Clerk and Treasurer appointed for the government of the town. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Dolores Pet s Scandia Township Clerk