03-21-95 tbMarch 21, 1995
The Oath Of Office was given to Charles Nordin and Paul
Rasmussen, Township Supervisors by Clerk, Dolores Peterson.
The regular meeting was called to order by Clerk, Dolores
Peterson. The first order of business was to elect a Chairman
and Vice Chairman of the Township Board. Charles Nordin was
elected Chairman of New Scandia Township Board and Duane Thompson
was elected Vice Chairman of the Township Board.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the consent agenda for
March 21, 1995.
A. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 2/21/95
B. Approval of treasurer's report
Balance February 1, 1995 $964,826.03
February Receipts 14,302.82
February Expense 43,225.57
Balance March 1, 1995 $935,903.28
C. Approval of payments of March expense
D. Adjournment
Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Fire Chief (Steve Spence)
Mr Spence reviewed the new By -Laws for the Fire Deparment and
stated the By -Laws cannot state age requirment.
Winds In The Pines Preserve (Michael Jay)
Mr Michael presented and reviewed the survey results from the
Parks and Recreation Committee. He stated that residents
requested more trail and the next issue was a skating rink.
The Parks and Recreation Committee shall review this survey with
the Town Board and Planning Commission on April 4, 1995.
Mr Michael reported that Mr Arnie Forsell and Mr Michael Jay have
resigned from the Parks and Recreation Committee and it was
agreed to advertise in the Country Messenger for candidates for
the committee.
Duane Thompson made a motion after three unexcused absences on
any committee the person is excused from the committee. Kevin
Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Township Engineer (Tom Prew)
Mr Tom Prew reviewed the feasibility
project. He informed the board the
approximately $402.00 per parcel.
Page 2
report for Mayberry/Lofton
assessments would be
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to contract with the County for
seal coating the 1989 Road Project in the amount of approximately
$15,000.00. Edith Hadlich seconded and motion passed
Mr Tom Hinz spokesman for a group of citizens on 182nd Street
questioned the board about.the petition the residents had
submitted in 1988 with 45 signatures out of 54 owners to
bituminous surface 182nd Street and this road still has not been
surfaced. The board could not give a reason, but informed Mr
Hinz to present another petition and the board would look into
the possibility of surfacing this road in the next project which
will probably be in 1997. The board also informed the residents
that this road needs upgrading.
Mr Dean Gabbert and Ms Jim Layton explained the drainage problem
on Lofton Court and Mr Tom Prew will view the problem.
Duane Thompson Road Supervisor
Mr Thompson reviewed the paint system that was used for the
review of applications for the maintenance position and that 6
candidates have been picked and the interviews will be held on
March 28, 1995 starting at 7:00 p.m.
Rental of Township Equipment
It was agreed that New Scandia would not rent any of the township
Uptown Sewer System
Mr Bruce Swenson reviewed the letter from Al Goodman of
Washington County Department of Health, Environment and Land
Management which stated the land owned by Washington County
Housing and Redevelopment does not perc sufficiently for the
drainfield for the uptown system. Mr Swenson suggested the
township purchase 10 acres from Mr Vincent Turnblad or the whole
Turnbald farm off of 205th Street.
Mr Paul Rasmussen made a motion to authorize up to $500.00 for
soil borings and perc tests for portion of Turnblad farm. Edith
Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
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Washington County Comprehensive Plan (Robert Lockyear)
Mr Robert Lockyear Director of Planning for Washington
County,reviewed the Washington County Comprehensive Plan. He
presented proposed Generalized Land Use and Linear Park/Trail
Plan maps. The population of Washington County is one hundred
sixty three thousand five hundred and we can expect by the year
of 2015 twenty five thousand new homes with a population growth
of sixty three thousand. Mr Lockyear explained the overall
density guidelines with a four in forty acres.
It appeared because of the 20 acre conservancy, agricultural
preserve and wetlands the township could meet this density.
The township was informed that the Washington County Planning
Advisory Commission has scheduled a public hearing to receive
public comment on these plans. The meetings are being held on
April 18 for comments from residents who live south of Highway 36
and April 20 is scheduled to take comments from residents who
live north of Highway 36.
David Johnson Land Entrance
Mr David Johnson was requesting permission for entrance to his
property in Scandia Addition behind Scandia Heating. The clerk
would check if 3rd Avenue in the plat had been vacated.
Weed Inspector
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to appoint Kevin Nickelson weed
inspector for New Scandia Township. Duane Thompson seconded the
motion and motion passed unanimously.
Planning Commission Appointment
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to appoint Dan Booren to the
Planning Commission for a term of five years. Duane Thompson
seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Legal Newspaper
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to designate the Country Messenger
the legal paper for the township. Duane Thompson seconded the
motion and motion passed unanimously.
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Township Depositor
Edith Hadlich made a motion to designate Security State Bank of
Marine and Norwest Bank of Forest Lake the township depositories.
Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed
The township added another bank, so the township treasurer could
compare rates.
Paul Gillman
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to direct the township attorney to
take appropriate action regarding the violation of ordinances by
Mr Paul Gillman. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion
passed unanimously.
Township Auditor
Duane Thompson made a motion to contract with Eide Helmeke and
Company, Certified Public Accountants with the following
contract: 1995 $4350.00-$4900.00, 1996 $4400.00-$4950.00, 1997
$4445.00-$5000.00. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion
passed unanimously.
Clerks Institute
Duane Thompson made a motion. to authorize Ms Haugen to attend the
Clerks Institute the week of July 17, 1995. Paul Rasmussen
seconded and motion passed unanimously.
State Building Code
Mr David Hebert would review the State Building Code Ordinance
and this will be on the agenda for April 18, 1995.
VCR For Community Center
The purchase for a VCR for the Community Center was discussed and
the clerk should contact the Scandia Civic Club and Scandia
Marine Lions for a donation for the equipment and also check on
the cost for the equipment.
Citation Cable Committee Meeting Rates
The clerk would contact other communities for the rate paid per
meeting for representatives to the Citation Cable Committee.
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Gopher Feet
Duane Thompson made a motion to set the gopher bounty at $1.50
for the two front feet. Paul Rasmussen seconded and motion
passed unanimously.
Dust Control
Duane Thompson made a motion to offer Dust Control to the
residents for the amount of $G0.00 for 300 feet. Edith Hadlich
seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Mary Lanz (Washington County Comp Plan
Ms Lanz questioned the township board if they would be taking a
formal position on Washington County Comprehensive Plan. The
clerk was directed to put a notice in the Country Messenger that
the board would take a position on this matter at the April 4,
1995 Planning Commission meeting at approximately 8:30 p.m.
Tables For The Community Center
Duane Thompson made a motion to purchase twenty new tables for
the Community Center at approximately $45.00 a piece. Paul
Rasmussen -seconded and motion passed unanimously.
Compliant Regarding Clerk
Mr Nordin stated he had received a complaint which he believed is
an isolated one regarding the treatment of an individual. He
stated that he had discussed the incident with the person
involved and Mr Nordin felt the Town Board, Planning Commission
and the Office Personnel should treat everyone equally in a
professional manner. Mr Nordin personally felt that this is not
an ongoing problem.
Mr Nordin recommended that the clerk not charge for notary
service to the public.
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