04-18-95 tbApril 18, 1995 On the above date, New Scandia Town Board held their regular monthly meeting. The following Board Members were present: Charles Nordin, Chairman, Duane Thompson, Vice Chairman, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen. Mr Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the following consent agenda with correction on minutes of March 23, 1995, regarding the Maintenance Person. A. Call to order B. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 3/7/95 Town Board, 3/7/95 Planning Commission, 3/21/95 Town Board, 4/4/95 Town Board and 4/4/95 Planning Commission. C. Approval of Treasurer's report Balance March 1, 1995 $935,903.28 Receipts 23,512.00 Expenditures 53,468.38 Balance April 1, 1,995 $905,946.70 D. Approval for payments of April expense. E. Adjournment Ms Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Continuation of Board of Review (Frank Langer Assessor) Frank Langer presented the report from the Board of Review and informed the board of the addition to the report as follows: A reduction for Arthur Potts, Market Value from $227,000.00 to $212,900.00 Mr Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the report and corrections from the Board of Review. Mr Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Fire Chief (Steve Spence) Mr Steve Spence presented the following quotes for the Fire Apparatus: (1) General Safety Equipment $18,875.00 (2) Custom Fire Apparatus Inc 20,750.00 page 2 (3) Alloy Fusion $16,000.00 Mr Steve Spence informed the board the cost for radios for the equipment would be approximately $1,182.00 and painting would be approximately $446.00. Mr Duane Thompson made a motion to accept the quote from Alloy Fusion in the amount of $16,000.00 for the Fire Apparatus. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Scandia Girls Softball (Kim Hough) Ms Dolores Peterson informed the board Ms Kim Hough is requesting monies for equipment boxes on the three ballfields at the price of $223.90 a piece and she also requested the need for bathroom facilities at the fields. Mr Tom Vogen informed the board that the Parks and Recreation had agreed to donate $500.00 for the Softball Program. Mr Duane Thompson made a motion to donate $500.00 to the Scandia Softball Team. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion. Mr Thompson amended the motion that the township purchase the three (3) equipment boxes for the ballfields. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed =animously. Interviews for the Parks and Recreation Committee was set for May 2, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. Road Committee (Duane Thompson) Mr Duane Thompson informed the board he excepts to receive $40,000.00 in July of 1995 and $45,000.00 the first of next year from TIF monies and the monies would be used for surveying the west end of the Big Marine Lake area in 1995 and 1996 and that upgrading of the road and graveling be completed in 1997. Mr Duane Thompson reported there is a bill now in the legislature to discontinue the TIF monies. Mr Duane Thompson reported the new employee will begin his duties April 24, 1995. Petition For Bituminous Surfacing Of 182ND Street Mr Tom Hinz presented a petition for bituminous surfacing of 182nd Street. page 3 Township Engineer (Tom Prew) Mr Tom Prew questioned the board regarding the Road Project liquidation from Valley Paving. Mr Thompson stated the Road Committee recommendation was to bituminous surface the hill on Oxboro which is approximately 700 feet. Mr Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Road Committee recommendation to bituminous surface Oxboro hill of approximately 700 feet as the liquidating damages. Mr Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Ms Edith Hadlich made a motion to accept the quote of $2473.00 for the Crack Sealing from Bergmann Companies Inc. Mr Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Swenson Recycling (Bruce Swenson) Mr Duane Thompson made a motion to renew the contract with Swenson Recycling with the same fees and conditions as the year of 1994. Ms Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Larry White (Ordinance For Limit Of 25 Horsepower Motors On Big Marine Lake Mr Larry White stated his concerns about the large motorized boats on Big Marine Lake and he expressed that the township should preserve Big Marine Lake. Mr White expressed the need for a ordinance that no vehicle of any kind or boat over 25 horsepower be allowed on Big Marine Lake. The township shall send a letter to Mr Robert Jensen/Carnelian Marine Watershed Organization requesting a review of the possibility on the above item and Mr White also address this subject with May Township. When information is received from Carnelian/Marine Watershed Organization and May Township this subject would require a Public Hearing at both townships and the property owners could speak to the subject. David Johnson Mr Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign the agreement for David Johnson for entrance onto his property from Olinda Trail, with the corrected additions. Mr Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. page 4 GarV Orlich Test Program For Emulsion Pavement Protect Mr Gary Orlich representing RBRW Inc discussed the possibility of a test area for cold mix asphalt a new product from Finland for approximately one quarter of a mile on Mayberry to Maxwill. The only cost to the township should be the reshaping of the road. Mr Tom Prew, Township Engineer stated Valley Paving may reshape the road for the cost in the 1994 Road Project. Mr Gary Orlich would contact the township regarding this issue at a later date. Signs On 196th Street It was agreed to install only the dead end sign on 196th Street. REVIEW OF JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND SALARIES FOR THE YEAR OF 1995 The following pay range was prepared and set for employees of New Scandia Township: JOB POINTS RANGE 1995 RATE HOURLY RATE Manual Laborer 121 $6.78 - $ 9.00 $ 8.10 Treasurer 141 $8.50 - $11.85 $10.75 Maintenance 149 $8.50 - $11.85 $11.00 Hospitalization 1.50 $12.50 Heavy Equipment Operator 208 $12.50- $18.00 $14.95 Hospitalization 1.67 Dental .15 $16.77 Township Clerk 228 $12.75 - $19.30 $17.15 Mr Paul Rasmussen made a motion for the following salaries for the year of 1995: Township Treasurer $10.75 Hourly Township Clerk $17.15 Hourly Manual Laborer $ 8.10 Hourly Maintenance Person $11.00 Hourly page 5 Heavy Equipment Operator $14.95 Hourly The Maintenance Person shall receive $3120.00 equals to $1.50 a hour for hospitalization. The Heavy Equipment Operator shall receive $3480.00 equals to $1.67 for hospitalization and receive $310.00 equals to $.15 a hour for dental insurance. The Heavy Equipment Operator shall receive and additional $.30 an hour effective May 1, 1995 for Road Supervisor and receiving all road problem inquiries and complaints. This shall be for a six (6) month trial period. Mr Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Fire Chief Salary Increase Mr Kevin Nickelson made a motion to increase the Fire Chief for New Scandia Fire and Rescue Department in the amount of $125.00 per month to $200.00 per month. Mr Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Regular Labor Mr Kevin Nickelson made a motion to increase the regular labor from $6.75 per hour to $7.0,0per hour. Mr Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau Mr Paul Rasmussen made a motion to contribute $4,000.00 to the Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau. Mr Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unaimously. Ordinance Number 49, Minnesota State Building Code Mr Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adopt Ordinance Number 49, Minnesota State Building Code and publish in the legal notices of the Country Messenger. Mr Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Police Department Firearms Mr Duane Thompson made a motion to sell the two firearms for $150.00 a piece. Mr Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Permission For December 15 and 16 1995 Christmas Bazaar Mr Kevin Nickelson made a motion to allow the dog sledding, skiing, sled rides for the Christmas Bazaar to be held at the Community Center in December 15 and 16, 1995. page 6 This organization shall have hold, harmless insurance. Ms Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Presentation Of Bill From Mary Lou Simonson Ms Dolores Peterson, Clerk presented a bill from Ms Mary Lou Simonson, former Police Chief for the amount of $240.00 for professional legal services from Mr Clyde Saari, Attorney. Mr David Hebert, Township Attorney advised the Board Members there is no legal authority for allowing the township payment of these fees. Mr David Hebert would send a letter to Ms Mary Lou Simonson informing Ms Simonson that the fees will not be paid by New Scandia Township. May Town Board Meeting New Scandia Town Board meeting for May 16, 1995 will begin at 8:00 p.m. due to the School Board Elections. Do res Peterson New Scan Township Clerk