10-23-12 Special CouncilOctober 23, 2012
A special meeting of the Scandia City Council for the purpose of discussing the 2013 draft
budget was held on the above date. Mayor Randall Simonson called the meeting to order at 7:00
p.m. The following were present: Council members Connie Amos, Jim Schneider, Chris Ness,
Sally Swanson and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff: Administrator Kristina Handt, Tim Kieffer
and Colleen Firkus. Also present were Park & Rec Committee members Alex Bildeaux, Matt
Rasmussen and Mike White.
Two bids for trail clearing on the south loop were received: AMC for $3,500 to cut and clear 44
trees, grind stumps and lay chips on trail; Tom Benick for $6,375 to cut and clear 51 trees and
grind stumps. It was conjectured that the difference between the quotes may be that of the trees
marked; only 45 are large enough to be considered trees. The plan is to use the $4,000 in this
year’s Park Capital Improvement budget to get the trails cleared this year. It was decided that
Bildeaux would oversee the contract and keep Kieffer updated. Mayor Simonson, seconded by
Ness, moved to accept the low bid from AMC to clear the south loop trail for $3,500 and lay
the wood chips on the trail. The motion carried 5-0.
A rate increase of 5% was recommended by the Wastewater Advisory Committee and Staff.
Staff also recommended removing a Depreciation line item in the Expense Budget, with the
understanding that when Revenues exceed Expenses, then the balance is used to build up the
fund for repairs, maintenance and eventual replacement. Schneider, seconded by Simonson,
moved to approve the 5% rate increase and eliminating the Depreciation line item in the
Expense Budget. The motion carried 5-0.
Administrator Handt proposed that the Council consider budgeting funds to participate in
cooperative advertising to promote tourism in Scandia. One cost effective venture would be to
join the St. Croix River Valley Regional Tourism Alliance (SCRVTA). Annual membership is
$125. Scandia, its historical sites and events, would be advertised on their website and in their
guidebook. There are 25,000 guidebooks distributed in Travel Information centers in Minnesota
and Wisconsin, as well as other locations. Scandia’s website also has a new look at the direction
of the Council. Handt indicated the city could have its own pictures on the home page for a cost
of $600, as well as a picture gallery. Swanson, seconded by Ness, moved to move $1,000 from
the Events line items in the 2013 Parks Budget to Advertising for a total of $2,000 in the
Advertising budget and $2,000 in the Events budget. The motion carried 5-0.
A letter was received from the Washington County Historical Society asking for a $1,000
commitment for its new Heritage Center in Stillwater. After discussion as to whether it is legal
for the city to make such a contribution, Council directed staff to put the request on November’s
regular meeting agenda.
October 23, 2012
Scandia City Council
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Mayor Simonson indicated that while he did not like having a 5.84% levy increase for 2013, he
noted the city is playing catch-up for a lot of neglected areas such as road, sewers and
equipment. Schneider indicated he would like to see more cuts, but made no specific
recommendations. Ness said he would also prefer to see the levy less, but sees staff has been
coming up with money saving ideas and has been conscientious about spending.
Administrator Handt pointed out a hole in the Parks Budget for Camp Lakamaga which runs
about $5,500 each year. Handt suggested reducing Personal Services (101) by $2,000, which was
saved by recent changes in hiring an Ice Rink Maintenance Worker, and taking out $3,500 from
Other Professional Services (319) of the Administration budget for a Space Needs Study and
reallocating to the Park Budget, Other Services (319), for the Camp Lakamaga recreation
program to cover that missed expense item. Handt felt that staff could work with the city’s
engineer to come up with a concept plan for the city’s space needs at the Community Center.
Schneider indicated he did not want to pay engineering fees for a concept plan and suggested a
contractor may be willing to work with the city for a nominal fee.
Washington County notified the city of terms expiring on the Rice Creek Watershed Board.
Council directed staff to post the position on the website.
Ness, seconded by Amos, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Colleen Firkus