06-13-95 special tbJune 13, 1995 On the above date New Scandia Town Board held a Special Meeting to review the Uptown Sewer System. The following Board Members were present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Vice Chairman, Duane Thompson, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen. Spokesmen for the group was Mr Bruce Swenson and Mr David Nickelson. Numerous members.of Elim Church Council were also present. Mr Nickelson reviewed the procedure that has been used to solve the problems and other possible solutions since 1980 for the Uptown Sewer System and the problem that no land is available in the uptown area for on -site systems. Mr Bruce Swenson presented a proposal to pump the system to land off of 205th Street owned by Dennis Seefeldt and asked the board to assume the responsibility to form a Sewer District. Mr Swenson also requested the land be purchased by the township and the township do a bond issue for the sewer. Mr Arden Johnson, Church Council stated the cost maybe prohibited for Elim Church and it could be a possibility the church may install their own system. Janet Lindgren stated the church land is available at a nominal cost. The council also informed the board and citizens that according to Mr Al Goodman's letter dated February 27, 1995 that the area to the west of the road by Scandia Housing is more amenable to a mound type system and this could be considered for a use of 1,000 gallons per day. Mr LaVayne Dupslaff was concerned as not enough notice had been given for the meeting. The notice had been posted since June 9, 1995. Mr Hebert informed the group if a Sewer District would be established a public hearing would be required and the township would also require a feasibility report by the Township Engineer, Mr Thomas Prew. There was much discussion regarding water usage, a large system versus a smaller system, needs in the future, closer sites for the system, and cost issue. The following Sub -Committee was formed: Mr Bruce Swenson, Mr Al Goodman, Ms Edith Hadlich, Mr Skip Stromberg, Mr Warren White and Mr Tom Prew, Township Engineer. This committee should review the possibility of future system for a thirty (30) year period. page 2 The Clerk was instructed to send a letter to each committee member and copy the town board and state the following objectives. (1) Shall the township have a Sewer District for the following entities: Three Businesses Uptown, Elim Lutheran Church, New Scandia Community Senior/Center and the Schmitt Mall. (2) Shall Elim Lutheran Church have their own on -site system and the Businesses have an off -site system. Mr Paul Rasmussen made a motion to authorize Mr Tom Prew, Township Engineer to meet with the committee for two hours sometime between June 15, 1995 to June 20, 1995. Mr Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. The board would ask Mr Prew, Township Engineer for a cost estimate for a informal feasibility report on June 20, 1995 and a letter of intent that Mr Dennis Seefeldt would be agreeable to sell this land for a Sewer System. The board would view the proposed site on June 20, 1995 at 6:30 P.M. Mee , inned . Do ores Peter on New Scandi ownship Clerk