06-20-95 tbJune 20, 1995 The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following Board Members were present: vice Chairman, Duane Thompson, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the following consent agenda. A. Clerk's minutes have been presented for May 16, 1995 Town Board, June 6, 1995, Town Board, June 6, 1995 Planning Commission and June 13, 1995 Special Town Board. B. Balance May 1, 1995 $853,675.43 May Receipts 8,980.44 May Expenditures 45,771.47 Balance June 1, 1995 $816,884.40 C. Approval for payments of June expenditures. D. Adjournment Ms Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. PARKS AND RECREATION Mr Mike White reported for the Park and Recreation Committee and stated the Committee are reviewing the townships parcels of land and a rink proposal has been presented to the committee. Kris Kramer presented four proposals for the replacement of the snow fence on the second ballfield on Olinda Trail. Mr Kramer would present this to the Park and Recreation Committee at the June 27, 1995 meeting. DRESEL PIT EXPANSION (BLAIR JOSELYN) Mr Joselyn stated a Public Hearing will be held for the expansion of the Dresel Pit and at that time issues can be addressed. BRACHT PIT Mr Joselyn informed the board the pit is mining to close to the west side of the property and that the mining is taken place below the allowed level. Page 2 TOM PREW TOWNSHIP ENGINEER Mr Prew informed the sodding for the 1994 Road Improvement had been completed and Valley Paving would pave Oxboro Hill the week of June 26, 1995. The bids for the 1995 Road Improvement have been submitted to the County and bids shall be opened the end of July. The bids shall be awarded the first of August and the improvement shall be completed by late fall. Mr Gary Orlich reported on the test site for Mayberry to Maxwill and the necessary product must be ordered by June 22, 1995.from the Meridian Aggretage in St Cloud, Minnesota. The township would be responsible for the regrade, hauling of the material and placing of the material. Mr Kevin Nickelson stated that the township would have to have the total cost for this test and it appeared when this issue was presented it would be a minimal amount for the township and the estimate of $49,000.00 was not included in the township budget. Duane Thompson made a motion to delete the test site from the 1995 Road Project. Paul Rasmussen, Duane Thompson, Edith Hadlich and Charles Nordin voted yes. Kevin Nickelson opposed the motion, motion adopted. UPTOWN SEWER SYSTEM Paul Ramussen made a motion to authorize Mr Tom Prew, Township Engineer to prepare a informal feasibility report for the Uptown Sewer System for approximately $1,000.00. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. DENSITY WORKSHOP Mr Kevin Nickelson informed the board a workshop with Met Council and representatives from the Planning Commission and Town Board would meet on June 26, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. Mr Nickelson suggested Ms Hadlich and a representative from the Sewer Committee be present at the June 26, 1995 meeting. HAZARD ELIMINATION FOR ROADWAYS It was agreed the township engineer prepare an addition to the township driveway plan and submit the proposal at the July meeting. Page 3 ROAD COMMITTEE (DUANE THOMPSON) CULVERT ON PILAR Duane Thompson reported that the Road Committee made the following recommendations: Mr Jerry Lappe shall receive $100.00 for inconvenience and leave the waterway and replace the culvert. It was the consensus of the board to not replace the culvert. A letter was read from Konrad Koosman, Washington Soil and Water Conservation District stating the estimated cost for the top soil replacement is $162.80. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to reimburse Mr Lappe $100.00 for inconvenience, seed and fertilizer and $162.00 for top soil. The total amount to be reimbursed $262.00. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion. Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson Duane Thompson and Paul Rasmussen voted yes. Charles Nordin opposed. Motion was adopted. It was agreed by the township board there would be no reimbursement for attending meetings. SURVEYING FOR BIG MARINE LAKE Duane Thompson informed the,board there maybe a possibility of the surveying to be started this year and by July 1, 1995 the township shall be informed amount of monies it shall receive from the TIF monies. It was agreed Mr Douglas Bierman could receive comp time instead of overtime. Mr Bierman shall receive no overtime without authorization. POLICY FOR EXPENDITURES AND REIMBURSEMENT Paul Rasmussen made a motion to remove the statement of no mileage shall be paid within the township on the Policy For Expenditures and Reimbursements. Duane Thompson seconded and the motion passed unanimously. PRESENTATION AND REVIEW OF PLANS FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND RESURFACING OAKHILL ROAD (DON THEISEN) Mr Don Theisen presented plans and computer pictures for the reconstruction and resurfacing of Oakhill Road. The cost for New Scandia Township would be the bike trail from Highway 97 to Olinda Trail in the amount of $13,000.00. There was discussion regarding the burying of Northern States Power Lines, for the removal of some of the large utility poles and the possibility of decorative lamp posts to be installed. Mr Theisen stated the residents would be billed for the lines from the street to page 4 their residence. Mr Theisen agreed to review this issue and project cost estimates on this issue. DISCUSSION REGARDING A MIDDLE SCHOOL IN THE TOWNSHIP (DON MITCHELL) Mr Don Mitchell, School Board Member of District 831 reviewed and discussed the possibility of a Middle School in New Scandia Township. He asked the board and residents if there is a political will to support the building of a Middle School due to the increased population. This was just for information and no proposal has been prepared and do we as a community want this opportunity. Mr Mitchell would appreciate the support of the community and board members. MAE DAVIDSON PARKING OF RV TRAILER Mr Patrick Hennessey, Attorney representing Ms Mae Davidson informed the board Ms Davidson has owned the property on Big Marine Lake for 37 years and this property is a recreational lot and the property would require variances to build a home. Ms Davidson parks the RV Trailer only in the summer and removes the trailer in the fall. Mr Hennessey stated 733.01 of the township ordinance and this is allowed under this ordinance. The clerk would contact Al Goodman, Washington County Department of Health, Environment and Land Management to review the ordinance. This use can continue and Ms Davidson shall be on the agenda for July 18, 1995 Town Board meeting. Duane Thompson made a motion to accept the above information and Ms Davidson attend the July 18, 1995 Town Board meeting regarding this subject. Edith Hadlich seconded and the motion passed unanimously. MS SUSAN KYLE Ms Kyle and residents expressed their concern regarding parking on public or private access on 185th Street by Big Marine Lake. It was agreed when Ms Kyle observed violation of parking, that she contact the clerk and the clerk would notify the Sheriffs Department. Mr Charles Nordin would contact the person that is violating the no parking signs. FOREST LAKE CABLE COMMISSION Mr Richard Heller gave a report regarding the Forest Lake Cable Commission. Duane Thompson made a motion to sign the Agreement For Joint Exercise of Powers with Wyoming Township, Town of Columbus, New Scandia Township, City of Forest Lake, Town of Forest Lake and the City of Wyoming. Page 5 Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. CERTIFICATE OF_EXEMPTION FOR TILLER CORPORATION The Tiller Corporation presented a reclamation plan to the County to restore the north 40 acres of their property and the plan proposes the filling of two wetlands on the property. Tiller Corporation must secure a Certificate of Exemption from the Wetland Conservation Act. In aerial photographs dated 1945 and 1969, the wetland proposed for filing did not exist and were caused by mining. Duane Thompson made a motion to adopt the Resolution of New Scandia Township For Certificate Of Exemption For Wetlands For The Tiller Corporation. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. TREE ORDINANCE Mr David Hebert presented a redraft of the Tree Ordinance and this issue will be on the July 18, 1995 Town Board Agenda. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE Mr David Hebert discussed and reviewed the Storm Water Management Ordinance and the necessity of adopting this ordinance by July, 1995. This issue will be on the July 18, 1995 Town Board meeting. FEDERAL HOME PROGRAM Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign the Joint Power Consortium Agreement between Anoka County, Dakota County, Ramsey County and Washington County for the Federal Home Program. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. MOTOR RESTRICTIONS ON BIG MARINE LAKE A letter from Robert W Jensen, Executive Vice President of Carnelian -Marine Watershed District was read regarding the investigation of possible motor restrictions on Big Marine Lake. This proposal would need to include joint work by the following organizations: Washington County, May Township, New Scandia Township, Carnelian -Marine Watershed District and authorization form the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Upon reviewing this with the DNR, it seems they questioned the necessity for the restriction on Big Marine Lake, which is a 1700 acre lake. The clerk informed the board it appears Mr Larry White is not pursuing the issue. page 6 QUOTES FOR REPLACEMENT OF CEILING TILE, CLEANING OF GRIDS AND PAINTING OF URGE HALL AND ENTRANCE HALL FOR CENTER Quotes for replacement of ceiling tile, cleaning of grids and painting the large hall and entrance hall for the center were read by the clerk. The clerk informed the board the consensus of the painters were that the ceiling tile should be replaced as the cost for painting would-be similar to the replacement. No decision was made on this item. QUOTES FOR LIGHTING IN LARGE HALL, TRACK LIGHTING OVER STAGE AND RECESSED CAN LIGHTING WITH DIMMERS Due to different bidding from the two Electrical Contractors the clerk would contact both bidders regarding this item. TELEPHONE SYSTEM FOR CENTER AND MAINTENANCE GARAGE Ms Susan Haugen reviewed a cellular phone system for the Maintenance Employees of the township upon motion by Paul Rasmussen, Ms Haugen should use her discretion to purchase cellular phones for the two,Maintenance Employees. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Ms Dolores Peterson reviewed a two line telephone system for the Township Office and Community Center from Mr James Leary (Leary Phone Service) of Scandia, MN in the amount of approximately $1900.00, this quote included the maintenance garage, but this system will not be necessary with the cellular phones, so therefor the labor quote would be reduced. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to install a two line service in the Township Office and the New Scandia Community/Senior Center. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion. Paul Rasmussen, Kevin Nickelson, Charles Nordin voted yes. Edith Hadlich and Duane Thompson opposed. Motion adopted. ores terson New Scandia Township Clerk