07-18-95 tbJuly 18, 1995
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman,
Charles Nordin. The following Board Members were present:
Charles Nordin, Chairman, Duane Thompson, Vice Chairman, Edith
Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the following agenda:
A. Clerk's minutes have been presented for June 20,
1995 and July 5, 1995 Town Board meeting and
July 5, 1995 Planning Commission.
B. Approval of treasurer's report
Balance June 1, 1995 $816,884.40
June Receipts 10,262.15
Expenditures 53,703.31
Balance July 1, 1995 $773,443.24
C. Approval of expenditures for July
D. Adjournment
Kevin Nickelson seconded the,,motion and motion passed
The following bids were received:
Mel Carlson Chevrolet, Inc $45,900.00
A Alternate Bid $69,614.00
Iten Chevrolet $46,461.00
A Alternate Bid
With complete with plow $73,994.00
Boyer Ford Trucks $45,984.00
Chesley Truck Sales $52,207.00
Mr Brian Jemelka and Duane Thompson will review the bids and the
board will award the bid at the July 26, 1995 special meeting.
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Mr Greg Benson presented comparison information for surrounding
areas regarding the Fire Relief Association. Mr Benson reported
it has been two years since the benefit had increased and was
requesting a increase of $900.00 per each year of service.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to increase the benefit for the Fire
Relief Association to $900.00 per each year of service with the
New Scandia Fire and Rescue Department. Duane Thompson seconded
the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion the township match the Fire Relief
State Aid Fund in the amount of $10,000.00. Edith Hadlich
seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Mr Tom Vogen, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee read
the following resolution:
In keeping with the protocol of our township, we request a change
of liaison between the Town Board and Parks Committee. The Town
Board has always seen the value in providing new ideas and fresh
enthusiasm by rotating advisors. Therefore, we ask that Paul
Rasmussen be replaced by another interested town board member.
This would free Paul to pursue the current town board interest in
the ice arena project and allow our Parks Committee to work on
projects previously given high priority for this year.
As a matter of public record the Parks Committee has had no
opportunity to adequately study the generous proposal by the
Wojtowicz family for a skating park, and thus has no official
recommendation on this project.
Mr Kevin Nickelson suggested the board rotate the advisory
representative every 6 months and that would not require as much
responsibility for the board members. Some board members felt
you would not accomplish the task in that short of time frame.
It was agreed the appointment would be at a later date.
Ms Sarah Stehly presented a proposal for a skating facility in
memory of her father Leonard wojtowicz. This would include a
pleasure rink, hockey rink and in line skating. Residents were
concerned about replacing the T Field if the rink facility would
be placed on Oakhill. The residents were informed there are
other possible sites for a T Field. Residents were concerned
about the site and suggested to work with the Forest Lake School
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system and have the rink on school property. Ms Bonnie Olsen
stated there is not enough acreage at the school. Residents had
suggested the area back of the school, but they were informed
that property was sold to HRA for the Scandia Housing.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion that the Town Board formally accept
and formally appoint the following members on the Skating
Committee Task Force to work with Sarah Stehly and the Wojtowicz
family on the Leonard Wojtowicz Memorial Ice Facility: Sarah
Stehly, Tara Wojtowicz, Mike White, Susan Haugen, Paul Kendrick,
Jack Lougrey, Jim Finnegan, Larry Hudella, Kelly Garbe, Claudine
Goodrich. Duane Thompson seconded the motion. Kelly Garbe asked
to be excused from the committee and was removed from the
committee. Mr Rasmussen's motion passed unanimously.
Mr Tom Vogen expressed his concern that the persons on the Task
Force Committee were all in favor of the proposal. The board
informed Mr Vogen they are not discussing the intent of the
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to officially accept the concept of
the proposed Skating Facility and allow the Task Force Committee
to review the proposal. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and
motion passed unanimously.
Mr Tom Prew requested payment to Allied Blacktop Company in the
amount of $16,496.05. Duane Thompson made a motion of payment to
Allied Blacktop Company. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and
motion passed unanimously.
Mr Tom Prew stated the developer for Riverview Estates has
completed the initial excavation and embankment work and a
successful test role of the street was completed last week. The
developer has requested an escrow reduction and Mr Prew recommend
escrow be reduced from $117,200.00 to $55,000.00. Kevin
Nickelson made a motion to accept, Duane Thompson seonded the
motion and motion passed unanimously.
Mr Gary Orlich was requesting the township reconsider the test
site for the cold asphalt on Mayberry Trail. The area has been
reduced to 1/2 mile and the cost for the test area $40,000.00.
There was discussion that this would be a good opportunity for
the township to expert the cold asphalt.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the experimental test
site on Mayberry to Maxwill, approximately 1/2 mile for the cold
mix asphalt. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion. Edith Hadlich,
Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen and Charles Nordin, voted yes.
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Duane Thompson voted no. Motion passed.
Mr Tom Prew requested a partial payment in the amount of
$34,195.46 for the 1994 Road Project. The board expressed their
concerns to Mr Prew regarding the turn around on 196th Street and
informed Mr Prew this shall be changed so buses can turn around.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion for the partial payment to Valley
Paving in the amount of $34,195.46. Kevin Nickelson seconded the
motion and motion passed unanimously.
Mr Carl Schenk and Ann Braden reviewed the possibility of a
consultant service to develop methods for implementing council's
rural area policies and that the council have a consultant that
would be interested in project. The Metropolitan Council would
fund two thirds and the township and county would fund the
remaining one third. Mr Schenk stated this would benefit the
County, Township and the Metropolitan Council.
Mr Blair Joselyn presented a draft of the Wetland Inventory. He
also stated he had reviewed the possibility of a independent
consultant for the township and the consultant would work only
for the township. The cost would be from $60.00 to $90.00 an
hour, but one consultant would consider the project at
approximately $15.00 an hour and a student at $15.00 an hour.
Kevin Nickelson to approve the participation of a study as
proposed by the Metropolitan Council. Paul Rasmussen seconded
the motion and motion passed unanimously.
A special meeting will be held on July 26, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. to
meet with the selected consultant.
Mr Patrick Hennessy representing Ms Mae Davidson spoke on the
ordinance regarding recreation vehicles. Ms Davidson has a RV
parked on her lot in the Anderson Big Lake Addition. Mr Henessey
reviewed Mr Al Goodman's letter pertaining to the ordinance and
he stated he disagrees with Mr Goodman's interpretation. Mr
Hebert stated the ordinance needs to be revised.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to allow the present use of Mae
Davidson retaining her RV Trailer and it appears to be permitted
by the zoning and no action to be taken this season by the
building official. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion
passed unanimously.
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Mr Bruce Swenson presented a signed agreement with Hall and
Hermina Rasmussen for the purchase of approximately 3 acres for
the drainfield site and also presented the soil borings for the
property which have passed the pert test. A agreement with each
property owner will be on a unit basis. The township would
purchase the site and if the township would be in the need of a
drainfield the township could contact to the system at a later
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to instruct Mr Tom Prew, Township
Engineer to prepare plans,•specifications, bid proposal and order
a survey of the property by Landmark Surveying. Edith Hadlich
seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion that Mr David Hebert, Township
Attorney prepare a agreement for the participants in the Uptown
Sewer System. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion
Edith Hadlich made a motion to sign the contract between Hall and
Hermina Rasmussen and New Scandia Township for the land purchase.
Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motton passed unanimously.
Charles Nordin made a motion to adopt Ordinance 51 for Oak Wilt.
Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed
Mr Thompson reported Parkview in Merrihi,lls is being surveyed and
the project of preparing ditches could be completed before fall.
Mr Thompson had attended a TIF meeting and he was assured the
township should receive $85,000.00 for surveying the Bliss Plat
and the township shall also receive $10,000.00 for Newgate.
A letter was received from Charles Myer clarifying the ownership
of the land on which the car sales and garage sales have been
operating on Highway 97. The land is owned by the following
persons: Doug Clute (Personal representative trust of Florence
Clute), Cheryl Myer, Charles Myer and George Lindgren. His
concern is the land use of the parcel at the 4 corners. He
quoted the following items: Motorcycle riding, target
practicing, refuse dumping, two areas of open sales lots, namely
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sales of garages and cars which are both strictly prohibited by
local -ordinances. The board agreed this appears to be a family
problem and the board directed the township office to send a
certified letter regarding all the information received from the
county to all property owners.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the Boy Scouts proposal
"Option 3" for fencing the ballfield on Olinda Trail and not to
exceed $1,330.00. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion
passed unanimously.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept Bakers Painting and
Schmitt Electric for the improvements in the Community Center.
Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Edith Hadlich made motion to accept a new lease for a copy
machine for the township office with an increase of $11.47 a
month. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motif passed
unanimously. 1.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to donate the used tables to Scandia
Elementary School. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion
passed unanimously.
Do ores--P erson
New Scan is Township Clerk