08-08-95 budget hrgAugust 8, 1995 On the above date New Scandia Town Board held Budget Hearings to review the proposed levy for 1996. The Clerk presented the following proposed levy: 1. General Fund ------------ $150,200.00 2. Road and Bridge Fund--- $420,000.00 3. Fire Fund ------------- --$ 83,500.00 4. Community Center Fund --- $ 23,000.00 5. Blacktop Fund 1992 $ 83,000.00 G. Blacktop Fund 1994 $102,000.00 7. Watershed Fund $ 6,600.00 8. Fire Indebtness $ 20,000.00 9. Truck Indebtness $ 15,500.00 Total $927,400.00 The total estimated revenue for the year of 1996 was presented by Ms Haugen, Treasurer in the amount of $968,856.00. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to present the above levy at the reconvened annual meeting on August 15, 1995. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Dolo I res Peterson New Scandi Township Clerk