10-09-12 Council Work SessionOctober 9, 2012
A work session meeting of the City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson called
the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Randall Simonson, Council
members Connie Amos, Chris Ness, Jim Schneider and Sally Swanson. Staff present: City
Administrator Kristina Handt, Attorney Vince Stevens, Maintenance Superintendent Tim
Kieffer, Fire Chief Jim Finnegan and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Mayor Simonson noted the following additions to the agenda: 4)a)1) Lakeview Ambulance; 4)j)
Visitor Report; 4)k) Credit Card Limits; 4)l) Holiday Party, as requested by Council member
Swanson. Ness, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion
carried 5-0.
Fire Chief Finnegan introduced Mark Tutila of Lakeview Ambulance to explain a request that
the City send a letter to the EMSRB which would state that Lakeview be the primary responder
to an overlap area in the northwest portion of the city, now shared with the North ambulance.
Finnegan explained that this would be the final step in the process of Lakeview acquiring the
ALS license for this area, as the state recommends that overlap areas go away with new licensing
territories. The Council was in consensus that staff draft a letter supporting Lakeview’s request.
Fire Chief Finnegan presented information regarding the replacement of Engine 5180, planned
for 2013 per the Capital Improvements Plan. A replacement quote of $300,000 was received two
years ago, but manufacturing costs have increased the total cost by $50,000. Finnegan asked for
direction in proceeding based on the increased cost of the replacement fire truck, which is to be
equipped as the backup rescue unit. Finnegan explained the truck is planned to have a 25-year
life span, and necessary for the department to retain an ISO rating of 7. If the rating falls,
insurance rates for homeowners and businesses could increase by $400 to $500 a year. Finnegan
noted that the department’s budget is projected to be underspent by $12,000 by years end, and
could those funds be earmarked for the new truck?
City Administrator Handt explained that typically any remaining department funds go into
budget reserves. This could have an effect on future reserves, especially if other departments
would take this approach. Handt recommended the Council establish a fund balance policy
which could determine under what circumstances this could be done.
Mayor Simonson stated that he would support the increased cost of the replacement truck, as it is
needed equipment and good for homeowners’ insurance rates. Council member Ness agreed that
it is a safety issue for the department to replace the aged engine, and at $2,000 a year over 25
years, is worth the additional cost.
Council member Swanson recognized that the department’s committee worked hard to get the
best price, and it is a necessity to transport water to a fire. Council members Schneider and Amos
also approved of the additional cost.
October 9, 2012
Scandia City Council
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Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the additional $50,000 for the purchase of a
replacement fire truck, bringing the total estimated cost to $350,000. The motion carried 5-
Park Committee member Mike White explained a three-year improvement plan for Lilleskogen
Park, which would include clearing the trails, completing the parking lot, and excavating the
pond. White estimated years one and two would require $5,000 in funding, with the park being
completed in year 3 at a cost of $10,000. White explained that donations, fund raising, and grants
would be pursued for the project.
Park Committee Chair Alex Bildeaux explained that the Committee discussed a different
approach at the October 1st meeting. Park volunteers plan to mark and stake the trails within the
next week, then present an estimate of costs for tree removal to the Council at their October 23rd
budget meeting. Bildeaux explained that the Committee discussed a goal of making the park
usable in the short-term, and that the other improvements will happen over time as donations and
funding becomes available.
Mayor Simonson asked if the trails would be maintained once established? Council member
Schneider asked if the Public Works Department could do the initial clearing of the trails?
Maintenance Superintendent Kieffer stated that depending on the frequency and equipment
needed, it could be possible to maintain the trails. The brush hog could handle mowing trees up
to 1-1/2” in diameter. Kieffer will meet with Bildeaux to assist with marking the proposed trails,
and then determine if the public works department could accomplish trail clearing.
Council member Ness recommended that any approval of expenditures wait until the project is
further discussed at the Council meeting on October 23rd.
City Administrator Handt explained a discrepancy in the Park budget which was just discovered.
The expense to Camp Lakamaga for the summer programs was not included in the budget, at a
cost of over $5,000. This incurred expense may result in limited funds available for this project.
Staff will prepare detailed budget numbers for the October 23rd meeting.
Mayor Simonson recommended the City consider improvements to the Community Center
which could revitalize the appearance of the hall in an effort to increase rental opportunities.
Council asked staff to prepare estimates for painting, lighting and flooring options for future
Maintenance Superintendent Kieffer presented a proposed tree trimming policy which would
give staff and residents guidelines to follow when trimming trees. Kieffer also presented a draft
notice which would be mailed to residents explaining the tree trimming and brush removal work
performed within the right-of-way. Council recommended the policy be formally adopted at the
October 16th Council meeting.
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Scandia City Council
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Maintenance Superintendent Kieffer proposed an amount of $48,000 be allocated for salt
purchases in 2013. This is a twofold increase as compared to past years, and Keiffer predicts is
necessary to maintain clear roads. The salt purchase is based on state contract pricing. Mayor
Simonson stated his approval as a way to get the job done right. Council was in consensus to
support the request.
Mayor Simonson brought forth a suggestion that the “Welcome to Scandia” sign on the north
side of Highway 97 just east of Todd’s Home Center be relocated to a more visible location.
Simonson suggested the sign be moved nearer to the Firehall/Public Works site, out of the
MnDOT road right-of-way. Council member Schneider suggested the sign be raised up on longer
posts. Maintenance Superintendent Keiffer was asked to evaluate the most cost effective
approach. Keiffer stated that staff would trim the brush and trees to increase visibility for now,
and then evaluate the situation in the spring.
Park and Recreation Coordinator Laurie Monson has resigned from the position effective
October 5, 2012. City Administrator Handt brought forth a recommendation that the duties of the
Park and Rec Coordinator be combined with the Office Assistant, a position for which an offer to
a candidate has been made. Handt explained that the two positions require similar knowledge
and skills, and the position could be scheduled for 16 hours per week. This would help provide
coverage during normal office hours, and would be budget neutral to personnel costs. Council
was in consensus to combine the positions into one. Handt will draft a revised job description for
review at the October 16th Council meeting.
City Engineer Phil Gravel proposed that the City discuss installing a concrete curb ramp on the
southeast corner of 209th Street and Olinda Trail as part of the Washington County CSAH 3 curb
and sidewalk replacement project, at a cost of $1,300. City Administrator Handt reported that
earlier today, the County agreed to install the ramp at no cost to the City.
Mayor Simonson recommended that the Council schedule a special meeting to discuss the
Council’s goals and expectations concerning new City Administrator Kristina Handt. The
meeting would then be closed for discussion with Handt. Simonson asked Council members to
be prepared to select a date for this special meeting at the October 16th Council meeting.
Handt asked Council members for feedback on the revised report format. Council members
voiced their approval. Ness commented that he would like to see Facebook utilized for more
promotional stories and events.
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Scandia City Council
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Mayor Simonson reported on an event he attended at the Gammelgarden Museum on October 7.
Simonson presented the Mayor of Upsala, Sweden with an honorary key to the City, and in
return was given a plate depicting the architecture of the Swedish town. Simonson recommended
the plate be donated to the Gammelgarden Museum in commemoration of the visit. Simonson,
seconded by Amos, moved to donate the gifted plate to the Gammelgarden Museum. The
motion carried 5-0.
A recent purchase by one department put the City’s credit card over the limit, resulting in other
departments unable to purchase necessary items. City Administrator Handt recommended that
the City raise the credit card limit and also set individual credit card limits for each card holder.
Department heads would be allowed a larger limit. Council discussed the individual limits and
recommended that staff prepare a resolution for the October 16 Council meeting to establish the
revised limits.
Council member Schneider stated that he would like to lower the limit for purchases which need
Council authorization from $10,000 to $5,000. Staff will add a discussion of the purchasing
policy to the October 16th agenda.
Council member Swanson recommended that a holiday party be scheduled in December for city
staff and committee members. Council discussed setting an upper limit of $400 and were in
consensus to have Swanson plan the event.
Council members were advised to contact staff with agenda items prior to the November 13
Council work session.
Ness, seconded by Amos, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk