09-05-95 tbSeptember 5, 1995 The New Scandia Town Board held their regular monthly meeting on the above date. The following Board Members were present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Vice Chairman, Duane Thompson, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen. SITE LOCATION FOR SKATING FACILITY A discussion was held regarding the new proposed site for the Skating Facility to be located next to the Community Center and the area where the ballfield is located. Mr Nordin informed the board he meet with the Park and Recreation Committee and the committee did not oppose the new site selection. Mr Nordin stated this is not in a residential area and Forest Lake School District has agreed to install a T Field at the Scandia Elementary School. Ms Edith Hadlich felt this location would distract from the present facility. Some members of the board felt with the right type of landscaping and well maintained building and grounds would distract from the Community Center. Mr Bruce Swenson questioned why the Lions Park on Oakhill Road had not been considered. Mr Swenson was informed this site has a lot of wetlands and hundreds of trees that would have to be removed. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adopt the site on Olinda Trail and 209th Street with the drawing by TKDA Engineering Firm, with the understanding there could some minor changes, but with the concept of two rinks, warming house and well. Duane Thompson seconded the motion. Kevin Nickelson stated this project is very important and putting the Skating Facility in this location may be a problem. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION TO REJECT BIDS FOR MAYBERRY/LOFTON PROJECT AND COLD ASPHALT FOR MAYBERRY AND RE -ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR MAYBERRY/LOFTON PROJECT ONLY Edith Hadlich made a motion to reject all bids for the Mayberry/Lofton Project and Cold Asphalt for Mayberry and to re - advertise for bids for Mayberry/Lofton Project only. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. page 2 GTE TELCO BURIED CABLE Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve placing buried cable along Pomroy Avenue (Riverview Estates) and replacing buried cable with new cable along 220th by GTE Telephone Company. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. BEER LICENSE FOR SKATING FACILITY FUNDRAISER ON OCTOBER 7, 1995 Duane Thompson made a motion to sign the Beer License presented by the Skating Task Force for the Fundraiser to be held on October 7, 1995 for the Skating Facility. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. SKATING FACILITY WORKSHOP A Workshop for the Skating Facility was set for September 26, 1995 at 7.00 p.m. It was agreed the Park and Recreation Committee, Architectural Committee and Township Engineer, Tom Prew. Meeting adjourned Dolor erson New Scand'a Township Clerk