09-19-95 tbSeptember 19, 1995 The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following Board members were present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Vice Chairman, Duane Thompson, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the following consent agenda: 1. Call to order 2. Clerks minutes have.been presented for 08//01/95, 08/15/95 and 09/5/95 3. Approval of treasurers report Balance August 1, 1995 Receipts Expenditures Balance September 1, 1995 $1,128,881.99 18,243.68 37,556.76 $1,110,110.31 4. Payment of September Expenditures 5. Adjournment Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. PARKS AND RECREATION (SHIRLEY SOYA) Ms Shirley Sova stated due to Mr Vogen resignation from the Park and Recreation Board there is a need for a new appointment. Ms Sova also reported the fence has been installed at the ballfield on Olinda Trail and Chris Kramer did a excellent job the installation. Ms Sova requested that No Hunting signs be posted at Winds In The Pines Preserve. Ms Edith Hadlich made a motion to post No Hunting signs at Winds In The Pines Preserve. Mr Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. The possible sale of a lot on Goose Lake was discussed this lot is located in Goose Lake Woods Plat. Most of the board members expressed their desire to sell the lot. Mr Ray Burris a resident in the area expressed his concern that most of the residents in page 2 in the area should be notified regarding the pending sale of the lot. The board directed the clerk to send a letter to all property owners in the Goose Lake Woods Plat and Hawkinson Highlands Plat that this item will be on the agenda October 17, 1995. POLICE PROTECTION (SHERIFF JAMES FRANK) Mr Frank discussed some instances regarding the Taco Daze. He stated Washington County Sheriff Department was in error regarding the traffic control on Highway 97. Other items of concern was the drinking on public streets, beer distribution from floats and candy distribution from floats. It was agreed to have a post Taco Daze meeting including members of all the groups that sponsor the event, representatives from the Washington County Sheriff Department and Supervisor, Edith Hadlich. Mr Frank discussed the possibility of contracting with the County for police coverage. This subject will be discussed at a later date. TOWNSHIP ENGINEER (TOM PREW) Mr Prew presented the following bids for Parkview Lane Grading: (1) Peterson Excavating $3724.42 (2) Scandia Trucking 4717.80 (3) R E Peterson Excavating 5127.00 (4) Burbel Landscaping 6375.00 Paul Rasmussen made a motion to award the bid to Peterson Excavating in the amount of $3724.42. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. The following bids were submitted for Plate Beam Guardrail on 185th Street and Melanie Trail: (1) H & R Construction $3890.00 (2) Central Landscaping 5280.00 Kevin Nickelson made a motion to award the bid to H & R Construction for the Plate Beam Guardrail on 185th and Melanie Trail. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. The following bid was submitted for Lofton Court Drainage Improvements: page 3 (3) Bituminous Consulting and Contracting $5895.00 Edith Hadlich made a motion to award the bid to Bituminous Consulting and Contracting in the amount of $5895.00. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Ms Joyce Heinisch informed the board that they is a problem on Oldfield with drainage since Oldfield has been regraded and has flooded some of her crops. It was agreed that Tom Prew, Duane Thompson and Paul Rasmussen view the property on September 20, 1995. Mr Robert Jensen expressed his concern about a drainage problem on 187th and Langly. It was -agreed that Tom Prew, Duane Thompson and Paul Rasmussen view the property on September 20, 1995. Mr Tom Prew informed the board that developer for Riverview Estates is requesting an escrow reduction for work completed. The remaining work includes grading the gravel base, paving and restoration. The developer is planning to pave the street next summer and the seeding will be completed shortly. The Engineering Firm recommend the escrow be reduced from $55,000.00 to $27,500.00. Duane Thompson made a motion to reduce the escrow for Riverview Estates from $55,000.00 to $27,500.00. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. STREET VACATION (LAKEWOOD AVENUE) A public hearing was held to vacate Lakewood Avenue in the plat of Mineyahta Beach. Mr Rob Collins, Attorney representing Mr Robert Kopp stated two State Statues and expressed to the board the statues were in conflict. Mr David Hebert stated the second statue is for Urban Townships and that applies to New Scandia Township as New Scandia Township is a Urban Township. Mr Collins stated the main reason not to vacate the street is safety issues, such as access for emergency vehicles, gas and power vehicles. Mr Collins and Mr and Mrs Kopp requested that Lakewood Avenue not be vacated. Mr Ronald Lindquist presented a letter with reasons to vacate Lakewood Avenue and residents in the plat of Mineyahta Beach also requested the street be vacated. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to vacate Lakewood Avenue in the plat of Mineyahta Beach. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion with the following findings: page 4 (1) This road serves no public purpose and this road is not maintained by the township. (2) All current bordering owners have access on other public streets. (3) A variance was granted to Mr Kopp for the addition to the existing dwelling on condition the driveway access is on Maxwill Avenue. (4) To permit Mr Kopp to continue the usage of Lakewood Avenue does permit a possible liability to the township. (5) Other portions of Lakewood Avenue have been vacated. The motion was passed unanimously. STREET VACATION (COLUMBUS STREET) A public hearing was held for the vacation of Columbus Street in the Revision of Vasa. Mr Don McGinley informed the board that he just recently had his property surveyed by Landmark Surveying and Ms Darlene Bestland shed is partly on Columbus Street. The public hearing was tabled until October 17, 1995 Town Board meeting and Mr McGinley would contact Landmark Surveying to allow permission to present the survey to the township office. GRANT SCHOLEN (MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES) Mr Grant Scholen, State Park Planner stated the Wm O'Brien Park is updating the Management Plan which would involve boundary modifications adjacent to the west and northwest park boundaries. CHISAGO LAKES TOWNSHIP (WARREN MOODY) Mr Warren Moody representing Chisago Lakes Township presented a proposal to connect 238th and 240th Street which is approximately 2/10 of a mile and this would be a joint project with New Scandia Township and Chisago Lakes Township. Mr Duane Thompson, Mr Paul Rasmussen and Mr Tom Prew, Engineer would view the proposed site on September 20, 1995. CHARLES MYER THE SALE OF GARAGES ON HIGHWAY 97 Mr Myer questioned what type of action the board has taken in regards to the sale of garages on Highway 97. A letter was read from Daryle and Suzette Thingvold requesting the township to enforce the zoning ordinance regarding this subject. Mr Kevin page 5 Nickelson would view the site and the name of the owners are on the garages and he would inform Mr David Hebert, Attorney the owners names and Mr Hebert would notify persons in violation by letter. PETITION TO VACATE 4TH AVENUE IN SCANDIA ADDITION A petition was presented by Clerk, Dolores Peterson for the vacation of 4th in the Scandia Addition Plat. Duane Thompson made a motion to sign the resolution calling for a hearing to vacate 4th Avenue in Scandia Addition. Ms Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. CURBSIDE RECYCLING GRANT Duane Thompson made a motion to sign the Curbside Recycling Grant with Washington County, subject to revision of the Swenson Recycling Contract. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. PROCLAMATION HONORING MANUFACTURERS Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign the Proclamation which honors local manufacturers form Forest Lake Area Chamber of Commerce. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. TREE PRESERVATION PROGRAM A letter was read from Mr Bill Plowman in regards to the design of a Tree Preservation Program for New Scandia Township and Mr Bill Plowman requested each Town Board Supervisors view the site of Riverview Estates Plat. Dolores" Pete -;son New Scandi,�'Township Clerk