11-07-95 tb,pcNovember 7, 1995
On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their
regular monthly meeting. The following Board Members were also
present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Vice Chairman, Duane
Thompson, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen.
The yearly inspection for the Gravel Pits was held on October 29,
1995. Mr Tom Obst read the report which is on file in the
township office. The Planning Commission reported that Mr Dresel
was not at the site for the inspection. A letter will be sent to
Mr Dresel to schedule another pit inspection with Tom Obst and
Edith Hadlich. Mr Blair Joselyn would contact PCA for odor
standards of gravel pits in response to complaints from residents
regarding the odor.
Mr Mike White reviewed Park
surrounding areas. Mr White
proposal which the Parks and
Fees and Parkland Dedication for
stated he would further study the
Recreation submitted.
Mr Remus reported on the progress of the Tree Preservation
Committee. Mr Remus stated the committee recommend the township
form a Rural Landscape Committee to address the following:
(1) Review site plans and occasionally the site itself,
with the goal of aiding the developer and the Planning
Commission with creative and workable suggestions
for maximizing the use of natural vegetation.
(2) The committee would be made up of individuals from
within the Township with expertise in vegetation
and landscape design. This committee could be
combined with other standing committees like the
Architectural Committee.
The consensus of the Planning Commission was to support the
concept of tree preservation and directed to committee to proceed
and the Town Board would appoint a committee at a later date.
A video was shown regarding Cluster Housing which Mr Nickelson
favored as this preserves open space and farmland.
Dolores P on, New Scandia Township Clerk