12-12-95 special tbDecember 12, 1995 On the above date New Scandia Town Board held a special meeting to conduct a Workshop to review Open Space/Parkland Dedication Ordinance, Administrative Policy and Public Work Policy. The following Board Members were present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Vice Chairman, Duane Thompson, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen. OPEN SPACE/PARKLAND DEDICATION ORDINANCE The proposed Open Space/Parkland Dedication for the Subdivision Ordinance was reviewed. The board agreed the fee per lot for subdividing should be set at $400.00 and the board addressed land dedication at 10%. David Hebert, Township Attorney would rewrite the proposed Open Space/Parkland Dedication and this subject will be addressed at a later date. MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEE REVIEW Chairman, Charles Nordin and Vice Chairman, Duane Thompson would review maintenance employees, Brian Jemelka and Douglas Bierman on December 18, 1995. PART TIME EMPLOYMENT The board directed the township clerk to advertise in the Country Messenger for part-time office employment. Meeting *adjournedd Doloreson New Scandia Township Clerk