01-02-96 tb,pcJanuary 2, 1996 On the above date New Scandia regular monthly meeting. The were present: Charles Nordin, Thompson, Edith Hadlich, Kevin ROBERT HOUGH Planning Commission held their following Town Board Members Chairman, Vice Chairman, Duane Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen. Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variances to Robert Hough, 19215 Larkspur Avenue, Marine,_ MN 55047. Lot 14, Block 2, Holiday Beach 2nd Addition. (1) Lot size 1 1/2 acres required-11,550 square feet (2) Bluff setback 30 feet required -addition is proposed on the bluffline. (3) Road frontage 150 feet or 60% required-86 feet existing. (4) Road setback 29 feet proposed for the breezeway. This would include the breezeway and rear addition as identified on the plan which Mr Hough presented as well as the proposed landscape plan. Findings are the landscape plan would control possible erosion of the bluffline, the applicant needs more living space and the breezeway addition is further from the road then the garage. Duane Thompson made a motion to recommendations. Paul Rasmussen adopted unanimously. BLOOM MAJOR SUBDIVISION accept the Planning Commission seconded the motion and motion Mr Dale Hebisen from Hult Surveying presented a concept of a Major Subdivision for the Bloom property located on Bone Lake. The concept drawing showed fifteen (15) lots with each lot containing approximately 2 1/2 acres. Mr Greig Tennis, Attorney representing the Bloom Estate for Paul and Anita Ausin was requesting a rezone from Agricultural to Residential. Mr David Hebert stated the township has adopted the Shoreline Management Ordinance, but the county uses the township overly map which requires this area to be 5 acre lots. The township has not set a precedence to rezone as the township required 5 acre lots on Maxwill Bay and German Lake. It was the consensus of the Town Board Commission that neither board favored a and Mr Hebisen and Mr Graig Tennis were alternatives for the Major Subdivision, January 2, 1996 page 2 and the Planning rezone of the property informed to review other such as cluster housing. WILLARD MILLER CONCEPT FOR A MINOR SUBDIVISION Mr Willard Miller presented a concept of a Minor Subdivision for approximately 50 acres bordering Olinda Trail. Mr Miller was requesting the possibility of a 7.1 acre parcel of the original homestead and allowing the Millers to leave the existing buildings of 3480 square feet. The Planning Commission informed Mr and Ms Miller this is not acceptable and the lot would have to have less buildings or more land. RURAL LANDSCAPE PRESERVATION COMMITTEE/TIM REMUS Mr Tim Remus presented a proposal to appoint a Standing Committee for the Rural Landscape Preservation Committee. The Tree Preservation Committee feel this would preserve and enhance Scandia's rural character and landscape. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to appoint a Temporary Standing Committee for the Rural Landscape Preservation for six months. One from the Planning Commission and one form the Town Board. A final draft of protocol be prepared of how, when and what powers the committee should have. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion. Kevin Nickelson, Duane Thompson, Paul Rasmussen and Charles Nordin voted, yes and Edith Hadlich opposed. Motion carried. Paul Rasmussen from the Town Board, Bill Plowman from the Planning Commission and Curt Hadland a resident volunteered to serve on the committee. OPEN/SPACE PARKLAND DEDICATION Two alternative proposals were reviewed for the Open/Space Parkland Dedication by the Planning Commission, Town Board and Mike White from the Park Board. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the alternative proposal Number 2 for the Open Space/Parkland Dedication. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Meeting �adjourned. D I ---es Peterson_ New Scan a Township Clerk