06-04-96 tb,pcJune 4, 1996
On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their
monthly meeting. The following Board Members were also present:
Charles Nordin, Chairman, Duane Thompson, Vice Chairman, Edith
Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen.
Proposed Amendment to Mining ordinance 701.10
A public hearing was held regarding a amendment to the Mining
Ordinance Section 701.10 of Ordinance Number 28. Pertaining to
hours of operation.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to recommend to
the Town Board approval of the amendment to Mining Ordinance 28,
Section 70.10, pertaining to hours of operation, with the
exception of adding three days to Item B, on the grounds that
three is more reasonable than ten days. Findings are safeguards
are in place for public emergencies, allows for time constraints
for completion of road construction before the end of the
construction season that may be delayed by adverse weather
conditions, and for major road or highway construction projects
which cause substantial inconvenience to the traveling public.
The Town Board discussed thepossibility of changing the required
days in Item B, to be two days. Mr David Hebert would revise the
ordinance and this item would be on the June 18, 1996 agenda.
David Braun Minor Subdivision
David Bruan's public hearing for the Minor Subdivision was tabled
until further soil tests can be done on Parcel A or another plan
is forthcoming for Parcel A if the soil tests fail.
Gravel Pit Inspections
Mr Dan Booren and Ms Edith Hadlich reported on gravel pit
inspections of all the pits in the township. The report is on
file in the township office.
Proposed Amendment To Washington County's Mining Ordinance
A letter from Mary McGlothlin, Director of Department of Health,
Environment and Land Management of Washington County, was read
concerning the proposed amendment to Washington County's Mining
Ordinance. The Washington County Planning Advisory Committee has
recommended changes that include a requirement that townships
review mining applications prior to submittal of the application
to the County and that township comments would need to be
submitted in writing as part of the mining operation application
page 2
to the County.
It was agreed to have a notice in the Country Messenger for
written comments regarding the new proposed amendment to the
County Mining Ordinance and the Planning Commission, Town Board
Members shall provide written comment and submit the information
to the township office and to be reviewed by Mr Bill Plowman to
make a written presentation at the July 2, 1996 Planning
Commission meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
lores Peterson
New Scan,Oia Township Clerk