07-25-96 growth mgmt task forceJuly 25, 1996 The Growth Management Task Force (GMTF) met on this date. In attendance were: Co -Chair Blair Joselyn, Edith Hadlich, LaVayne Dupslaff, Richard Tetzlaff, Terry Dreyer, Charlie Ellis, Mary Lanz, Bill Plowman, Dan Booren, John Borchert, Gary Hogle, Colleen Firkus and the consultant, Peggy Reichert. PICTORIAL VIEW OF COMMUNITY ISSUES Ms. Reichert presented a pictorial evaluation of the community as seen through the eyes of task force members. The pictures taken by task force members were grouped into nine categories: 1) Natural Landscape - we value the views, natural resources must be managed with care; 2) Scandia Town Center - like small town character, architectural integrity is important; 3) Agricultural Preservation - farms are an important part of our landscape; 4) Community Facilities - the school/public parks/playgrounds/ historic sites/public access to lakes are important community assets; 5) Roadways - beautiful country lanes are attractive, but maintaining dirt roads is a concern and arterials should be protected from too many direct access driveways; 6) Residential Development - design should maintain natural setting, vegetative screening is important as are setbacks from roads; 7) Town Center Issues - some buildings have potential but need sprucing up, architecture is important; 8) Commercial Development Issues - convenient services, opportunities for more (—=omic development, but design could be improved to compliment :,.ral character; 9) Rural Area Issues - gravel pits and propane tanks are necessary but better screening is needed, rural landscape should not be littered with debris or excessive outdoor storage. The pictures will be available for public viewing at the community center in back hallway. SWOT ANALYSIS Ms. Reichert conducted an exercise with the GMTF which generated lists of the Township's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT). The following issues were identified by task force members voting on the top five in each category: Strengths: l) Natural resources, environmental setting; 2) Existing agricultural land; 3) Sense of community; 4) Small town feel; 5) Retail, Govt institutions, Church, School, Newspaper, Low population density, Isolatedrbut close to Twin Cities. Weaknesses: 1) Lack of coordinated development plan; 2) Vulnerability to rapid growth due to lots of open space; 3) Lax ordinance enforcement; 4) Few playgrounds outside town center; 5) Poor architectural review. Opportunities: 1) Township may still be able to direct growth; 2) Natural resources still here to protect; 3) Good advance planning for public improvements; 4) Land available for economic development; 5) Bring the community together through planning process. July 25, 1996 Page 2 Threats: 1) Inadequate government structure to direct growth; 2) Planning and development piecemeal and chaotic; 3) Avoidable environmental damage due to pace of development; 4) Lack of will to deal with growth management; 5) Overdevelopment. ROLE OF TASK FORCE FURTHER DEFINED The role of the task force will be to ultimately recommend a land use plan to the Town Board for adoption. Contents and specific recommendations of the plan will be developed over several meetings. It was suggested that task force members provide more community representation by talking with their neighbors to get their ideas for a vision for Scandia. The community needs to be informed and educated as to how changes are going to affect them and their property rights. PRELIMINARY LIST OF ISSUES Ms. Reichert presented a preliminary list of issues synthesized from previous discussions of GMTF, Virginia Harris' report, County and MET plans. 1) Community's future vision - what should community look like in 20 years; 2) Agricultural lands - is it important to sustain traditional commercial agriculture and how do we maintain open vistas; 3) Natural amenity/protection areas - are there areas of the Township that should be preserved permanently (land bank); 4), General rural use areas - should Township endorse County's policy regarding 10 acre densities with 2 acre minimum lots and can/should Township establish guidelines for location, pace and design of development; 5) Rural town center - should Township encourage its growth as a traditional village with smaller lots and classic design; 6) Commercial/ Industrial development - what types are compatible with the long term vision of the community. LAND USE MAPS The Township has contracted with Jerry Happel of Sight Plans to provide various land use maps using digitized data from the County. These will allow task force members to get a grasp of current land use. Also, maps can be printed in color and sold by the Township. The next meeting is scheduled for September 5, 1996, at 7:00 p.m.