08-06-96 tbAugust 6, 1996 The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following Board Members were present: Charles Nordin, Chairman, Duane Thompson, Vice Chairman, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen. Road Width For Bone Lake Estates Mr Charles Nordin questioned the reasoning for the road width on the Bone Lake Estates Cluster Development. He stated the township has road standards and the width is 24 feet as of this date and why would the board change the standards. Mr Nickelson stated he favored the 20 foot road width in Cluster Developments, and this issue should be addressed when the township rewrites the ordinance. Mr Thompson stated he was in favor of a 24 foot road width. Mr Charles Nordin made a motion to change to the road width for the Bone Lake Estates from 20 foot to 24 foot hard surface. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion. Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson, Charles Nordin, Duane Thompson voted yes. Paul Rasmussen voted no. Motion passed. Specifications For Controls and Pumps For Community Center/Skating Facility Well Duane Thompson made a motion to approve the specifications for Control and Pumps for the Community Center/Skating Facility Well and authorize Tom Prew, Township Engineer to advertise for bids and open bids August 29, 1996. The bids for the project shall be awarded on September 3, 1996. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Long Term Investment With Smith and Barney/Sue Haugen Ms Haugen requested permission to invest approximately $75,000.00 to $50,000.00 with Smith and Barney for a larger per cent of interest. Due to the length of the investment and the possibility of interest rates increasing the board directed Ms Haugen to contact the local banks in the area or a Federal Bank and also speak to the Township Auditor. This item was tabled until the August 20, 1996 Town Board meeting. Steve Morris/Wetland Application Mr Steve Morris presented a Wetland Application to re-establish pre-existing pond. This area is spring feed, but at the base of a steep slope (12-12). Over the past 60+ plus years top soil run off and other sediment have filled the pond creating a bog. The page 2 clerk reported that Washington County Soil and Water Conservation District, Forest Lake Watershed, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have approved the application. Duane Thompson made a motion to approve the Wetland Application for Steve Morris, 22880 Manning Trail North, Scandia, MN 55073. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Dale Murray/Wetland Application Mr Dale Murray's wetland application was replacement of old drain tile with a PVC reported that Washington County Soil and District, Rice Creek Watershed District, Natural Resources and U.S. Army Corps of the application. presented for the culvert. The clerk Water Conservation Minnesota Department of Engineers have approved Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve the Wetland Application for Dale Murray, 17820 Manning Trail North, Marine, MN 55047 on the grounds that all entities have approved the application. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Appointment Of Election Judges Duane Thompson made motion to appoint the following Election Judges: Judy Woodhouse, Kathy Carlisle, Mary Hulemann, Rita Hageman, Darlen Waskey, Colleen Firkus, Gwen McCurdy, Gary Hogle, Vivian Westermeier, Richard Hadlich, Shirley Ahlm and Patti Funni. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Edith Hadlich made the following amendment to the motion. Dolores Peterson shall be the Head Judge of the Election. Paul Rasmussen seconded the amendment and amendment unanimously. Mayberry/Lofton Project Kevin Nickelson made a motion to authorize the Township Engineer and Town Clerk to prepare the assessment roll and sign the resolution pertaining to the assessment roll. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Kathy Noyes/Permission To Live In Motor Home Duane Thompson made a motion to allow Kathy Noyes to live in a motor home one month during construction of a home on the page 3 premises. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Letter Pertaining To Payment Of Attorney Fees For Mary Lou Simonson From Attorney Generals Office Mr Charles Nordin reviewed the letter which was received from the Attorney General, Hubert Humphrey pertaining to the payment of attorney fees for Mary Lou Simonson, former Police Officer of the township. Mr Nordin informed the board that Mr Humphrey stated the township is not obligated or authorized to reimburse Ms Simonson. Vincent Turnblad Property Kevin Nickelson made a motion to sign the permission letter for the Vincent Turnblad property, which shall be used for a experimental development by the University of Minnesota. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Surveying Progress Of The Big Marine Lake Area The clerk was directed to send Mr LaVayne Dupslaff, Landmark Surveying a letter informing Mr Dupslaff that this project was to be completed by April 1, 1996 and that this project shall be completed at the earliest date possible. Location of Warming House For Skating Facility A discussion was held regarding the road setback of the Warming House for the Skating Facility. Mr David Hebert stated he had researched this setback and he found no law requiring this and the board did approve the site plan at a earlier meeting. This also had been reviewed by the Township Engineer and there is no other site for the building. There is no problem with site distance on the location. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept Mr David Hebert, Township Attorney°s opinion on this matter. Duane Thompson seconded the motion. Edith Hadlich, Charles Nordin, Duane Thompson and Paul Rasmussen voted yes. Kevin Nickelson voted no. Motion adopted. Edith Hadlich made a motion to adjourn. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Do ores P son New Scandia ownship Clerk