09-03-96 tbSeptember 3, 1996 The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following Board Members were present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Vice Chairman, Duane Thompson, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen. Reduction Of Letter Of Credit For Williamsburg Plat/William Wilson Duane Thompson made a motion to the amount of $38,130.00 for the Wilson. Paul Rasmussen seconded unanimously. Tree Removal By Skating Facility reduce the letter of credit to Williamsburg Plat/William the motion and motion adopted A decision was held regarding the removal of the ash tree by the Skating Facility. Ms Hadlich expressed her concern of the location of the Warming House as she felt there had been a change of the location and that the board was not aware of the location. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to leave the maple tree and remove the ash tree and the decision of the location of the removed tree be made by the Chairman of the Park and Recreation Committee. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Northern States Power Company Application Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the installation of a gas main to serve two existing homes on 220th Street, contingent on approval by the Township Engineer, Tom Prew. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Letter From Security State Agency/Regarding Skateboarding on Skating Facility A letter was reviewed regarding skateboarding issues from the Security State Agency. Mr John Serier summarized the following requirements if the township allows jumps or ramps on the facility. A. The area must be fenced. B. Signage requirements C. Security and supervision must be provided. D. The township must inform the insurer immediately in order to allow preinspection of the area by the Insurer°s Loss Control Department. page 2 E. The township must comply with all of the recommendations of the Loss Control Department prior to opening the area to the public. F. The additional premium for this increased risk will be $5,000.00 to $10,000.00. G. A deductible of $5,000.00 will be added to the policy which will apply to claims arising from skateboarding. The insurance information regarding this issue is filed under Ice Facility. Paul Rasmusssen made a motion not to allow jumps and ramps for skateboarding on the Ice Facility due to the increased liability of a additional premium of $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 and a deductible of $5,000.00. Signs shall be posted stating, no jumps or ramps or other structure shall be permitted on the skating surface. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Speed Bump On Service Lane Off Of Highway 97 A resident living on the service lane off of Highway 97, informed the township office and Ms Hadlich the problems with persons using the service lane as a,by pass for the flashing beacon on Highway 97 and the problems with high speed on the service lane. Edith Hadlich made a motion to install speed bumps on the Service Lane off of Highway 97. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Joint Powers Agreement For Forest Lake Water Management Assoc David Hebert reviewed the Joint Powers Agreement for the Forest Lake Water Management Association. Kevin Nickelson will report on the Capital Improvement and be more specific on the permitting authority issue in the Joint Powers Agreement. Mr Nickelson shall report back at the September 17, 1996 Town Board meeting. Duane Thompson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dolores Peterson ew Scan a Township Clerk