10-15-96 tbOctober 15, 1996 New Scandia Town Board regular meeting was called to order by Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following Board members were present: Charles Nordin, Chairman, Duane Thompson, Vice Chairman, Edith Hadlich, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen. Consent Agenda Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the following Consent Agenda: A. Call to order B. Clerk's minutes have been presented for September 15, 1996, September 24, 1996 and October 1, 1996 Town Board and October 1, 1996, Planning Commission C. Approval of Treasurer's report Balance September 1, 1996 $1,219,666.39 Receipts 37,665.91 Expenditures 66,237.82 Balance $1,191,094.48 D. Adjournment Fire Department/Bill Havener The clerk read the following appraisals for the Fire Deparment Building, Mike Hermes/Century 21 and Associates, $163,800.00, Robert Brunfelt/Edina Realty, $140,000.00 to $150,000.00. It was agreed the Town Board have a Special Meeting on October 22, 1996 at 6:30 p.m. The board shall meet with the New Scandia Fire and Rescue Department and view the building and discuss the needs of Fire Department. Township Attorney/David Hebert Mr Hebert questioned if the Request For Proposal Of Engineering Services was satisfactory? The board was satisfied with the request and they also were submitted information from other townships and cities, regarding Engineering Firms. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to instruct a letter be sent to Engineering Firms requesting a proposal and also advertise, perhaps in the League of Minnesota publications. Edith Hadlich,yes, Kevin Nickelson, yes, Charles Nordin, yes and Paul page 2 Rasumssen, yes. Duane Thompson, opposed. Motion adopted. Road Committee/Duane Thompson Mr Thompson and Mr Jemelka viewed problems on township roads last week and letters have been sent to residents that have cars, fences, etc on road -right-of-way. Mr Thompson reported that the T turn around is at the bottom of the hill on the Williamsburg Plat and there is no way that the road can be plowed, due to the steep grade of the hill. The Modified Gravel has been'tested and it did not pass the gradation test and the check for CAD Contracting shall be held until the gravel has been corrected on 205th Street and 191st Street. TKDA would send CAD Contracting a letter, regarding the problem. Residents were in attendance from 205th Street as the residents had presented a petition to Mr Thompson, requesting Bituminous Surfacing of the road. The residents voiced their complaints regarding the problems with the road base, which was just recently installed. The board informed the residents that a proposal was given at the September board meeting, regarding the Road Project for 1997 and that the bond is approximately $750,000.00 and if they would add 205th Street to the project the bond would way exceed the amount the township should bond for. Mr Thompson informed the residents that 205th Street could be considered for the 1999 Road Projects. A petition was presented for Bituminous Surfacing of Langly Avenue, Lamar Avenue, 186th Street, 185th Street, 190th street, 189th Street, 187th Street, Larkspur, 192nd Street, Layton Avenue, Layton Court and Langly Court. Mr Thompson stated that ditching and drainage needs to be completed in that area and this area should be slated for the 1999, Road Project also. A letter was received from Pat Mork 12725 181st Street, Marine, MN opposing the bituminous surfacing of 181st Street and 182nd Street. Ms Mork was opposing the surfacing, because 18 st Street and 182nd Street are only accessed by traveling May Township gravel roads. Park and Recreation/Mike White A decision was held regarding the filling of the ditch bordering 209th Street. It was agreed to fill the area where the Warming House is located and have the pipe expendable for further expansion at a further date if required. page 3 Mr Tom Prew would meet with the General Contractor, Daniel Booren and instruct Mr Booren, the size of culvert that would be required for the filling. Mr Paul Rasmussen would contact GTE Telephone Company and request a residential line for the Warming House. Ms Edith Hadlich voiced her concerns regarding the use of ramps and jumps on the Skating Facility. Review Of Taco Daze/Tom Obst Mr Obst reviewed the Taco Daze, which was held in September. Mr Obst stated the need for a Standing Committee for the function. Mr Nickelson informed the board there was a problem with a circuit breaker and the township should consider to have a person on duty for Taco Daze that knows the building when problems arise. It was called to the attention of the board that the Boy Scouts charge a fee for booth rental space on the grounds. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to appoint Edith Hadlich to the serve on the Taco Daze Committee and the committee shall consist of five to six members to coordinate the Taco Daze Celebration. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Township Engineer/Tom Prew Mr Prew reported that the drainage project for Lofton Court and 197th Street is completed and recommended payment to Scandia Trucking. Duane Thompson made a motion for payment to Scandia Trucking in the amount of $6,460.59 for Lofton Court and 197th Street. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Mr Prew submitted the two quotes for the Electrical Service for the Warming House: (1) Schmitt Electric (2) Bacon Electric $11,800.00 10,740.00 Paul Rasmussen made a motion to award the Electrical Contract to Bacon Electric in the amount of $10,740.00. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. page 4 Manship Plumbing Advance Duane Thompson made a motion to pay the advance to Manship Plumbing in the amount of $12,500.00. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Review of TKDA/Richard Sobieck Mr Sobieck reviewed the changes within the Engineering Firm of TKDA. He mentioned there have been many retirements in the last year and Department Heads have changed. Mr Sobieck plans to visit each entity that they represent quarterly. Mr Sobieck questioned what issues the Town Board had regarding the Engineering Firm. The following items were addressed: Skating Facility, Well, Lofton Court, Township Garage Design and Computer Billing. Mr Sobieck was informed the board would be interviewing other Engineering Firms and that TKDA would also be interviewed. Brush Roller Attachment For John Deere Tractor Paul Rasmussen made a motion to purchase the brush roller for the John Deere Tractor. Paul Rasmussen made the following amendment, to instruct John Morrison to drive to Rogers, MN and view the attachment and also give Mr Morrison the authority to purchase the roller if the purchase cost is o.k. and the brush is in good condition. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion. Kevin Nickelson, yes, Paul Rasmussen, yes and Charles Nordin, yes. Edith Hadlich, opposed, Duane Thompson, opposed. Motion passed. Uptown Sewer System The clerk informed the board there would not be any refund to the entities for the Uptown Sewer System and there is a difference of $273.41. Duane Thompson made a motion to inform the entities there is no refund on the project and that the township shall pay the difference of $273.41. Edith Hadlich seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Northern States Power/Paul Rasmussen Mr Rasmussen reported he meet with Mr John E Wertish, Community Service Manager and there is a possibility that Northern States Power may give a donation to the Skating Facility. page 5 GTE Phone Cable Installation Paul Rasmussen made a motion to grant permission to GTE Phone Company to install telephone cable at the Hawkinson Business Park. Duane Thompson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. PN Products/Trailer Storage The clerk was instructed to write Mr Peter Nora a letter regarding the storage of trailers and debris at the corner of Oakhill Road and Olinda Trail. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn. I:SesPeteson candi Township Clerk