11-26-96 growth mgmt task forceNovember 26, 1996 The Growth Management Task Force (GMTF) met on this date. In attendance were: Co -Chairs Blair Joselyn and Kevin Nickelson, Dan Booren, Edith Hadlich, Bill Plowman, Charlie Ellis, John Borchert, LaVayne Dupslaff, Gary Hogle, Richard Tetzlaff, Terry Dreyer, Colleen Firkus and Consultant Peggy Reichert. MET COUNCIL LETTER A letter drafted by Ms. Reichert to Curt Johnson, Chair, Metropolitan Council was reviewed. The letter from Charles Nordin is the Township's response to the proposed amendments to the Regional Blueprint. New Scandia Township generally supports the regional growth management strategy outlined in the proposed amendments such as the Township being designated part of the Permanent Rural Area with an overall gross density of one unit per ten acres with New Scandia acknowledged as an "exception community" which already exceeds that gross density average. The Township expressed reservations about the narrow band of land along the western edge of the Township being included in the Urban Reserve Area. Finally, the Township requested the MET Council remain open to the possibility of designating New Scandia as a Rural Growth Center. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OUTLINE Ms. Reichert presented a draft outline of the Township Comprehensive Plan. Most of the information in the outline is already in the Plan with a new category of a Land Use Plan added which will be the GMTF area of concentration. Ms. Reichert indicated the Plan may have to be reorganized and rewritten instead of adding an addendum in order to fit new information in the Plan. ISSUES PAPER I The GMTF reviewed an Issues Paper prepared by Ms. Reichert. The paper was outlined as follows: Regional and County Plan and Growth Management Policies; describing Existing Land Use by dividing the Township into quadrants with a Rural Town Center; Planning and Growth Management Goals with possible additional goals to consider; General Land Use Categories (Agricultural 1/20, General Rural 1/10, Semi -Rural 1/5, Urban Reserve 1/40, Rural Town Center 1/2 ) and Policies for each category; and Land Use Alternatives. Four Land Use Alternatives were discussed. Maps outlining areas in the Township with categories of land use were used to generate discussion of how to distribute development density. An overwhelming majority of the GMTF were against an Urban Reserve area and for an expansion of the town center. Alternative three seemed to be a favorite, with the elimination of the Urban Reserve area. Other points brought up for consideration were a need to concentrate on Township road patterns, encourage cluster development in Semi -rural (1/5) areas, and a need to notify all Township landowners who would be affected any land use changes. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 23, 1997 Colleen Firkus Secretary