10-07-97 tb,pcOctober 7, 1997 On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting. The following Board Members were also present: Charles Nordin, Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman, Robert Jensen, Kevin Nickelson and Dennis Seefeldt. Gail Dietrich/Ekdahl Estates Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the Conditional Use Permit to Gail Dietrich, Ekdahl Estates Cluster Development and delay the preliminary plat approval until the WMO and drainage reports are received and reviewed. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendation for the Conditional Use Permit for Ekdahl Estates. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Daniel Charpentier Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variances to Daniel Charpentier, 14423 Scandia Trail, Scandia, MN 55073. County Auditors Plat No. 6. Lot 6. To construct an addition to his garage on the grounds that it is a reasonable use for existing property. Conditions are: 1) 150 feet setback from Highway 97 to 145 feet; 2) 50 feet rear -yard setback 8 feet; 3) lean-to on south side of current structure to be removed; 4) no doors on south side of structure; 5) garage not exceed 1,000 square feet; and 6) color to match the house color. Findings are rear -yard setback will be improved from current condition as lean-to will be removed. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendation for variances for Dan Charpentier. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously, Michele Carlson-AM-Tec Designs Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the amended Conditional Use Permit, for two years to Michele Carlson, AM-Tec Designs. 12147 205th Street, Marine, MN 55047. Lot 6, Block 1, Hawkinson Business Park. To build a 48' x 43' addition on the ground it is a reasonable use of the property. Conditions are: 1) submit a site plan showing area to be paved and parking slogs by December 1, 1997; and 2) the drive and parking area on the north side of the building be blacktopped by October 1, 1999. Robert Jensen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendation for the Amended Conditional Use Permit for Michele Carlson -Am Tec Designs. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Dolores Peterson, New Scandia Township Clerk