11-04-97 tbNovember 4, 1997
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman,
Charles Nordin. The following Board Members were present;
Chairman, Charles Nordin, Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Kevin
Nickelson, Robert Jensen and Dennis Seefeldt.
Woitowicz/Wallraff Concept Of A Minor Subdivision
Mr. Lavayne Dupslaff presented a concept drawing of acreage to be
sold by Mr. Nick Wojtowicz which would be included in the sale of
his home and Mr. Charles Wallraff would be selling the acreage to
a adjoining property owner. Mr. Dupslaff stated that in the new
County Ordinance it states this could be administered by the
Zoning Administrator, but must be surveyed and a certificate of
survey be presented to the township.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to wavier the Minor Subdivision
requirements for Nick Wojtowicz, but a overall boundary
description must be presented and that the two parcels must be
combined. There appears to be no public concerns regarding this
issue. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion. Robert Jensen, yes,
Dennis Seefeldt, yes, Charles Nordin, yes and Paul Rasmussen,
yes. evin Nickelson abstained. Motion adopted.
Robert Jensen made a motion to wavier the Minor Subdivision
requirements for Charles Wallraff, but a overall boundary
description must be presented and that the two parcels must be
combined. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion. Robert Jensen,
yes, Dennis Seefeldt, yes, Charles Nordin, yes and Paul
Rasmussen, yes. Kevin Nickelson abstained. Motion adopted.
Zamboni Parts
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve the request for parts in
the amount of $690.00 for the zamboni used by the Skating
Facility. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted
Pavment of Vouchers
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the payment of the
vouchers presented. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Equipment For Snow Removal
Kevin Nickelson presented four quotes for snow removal equipment
which included a cab and snowblower mounted on the John Deere
November 4, 1997
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Paul Rasmussen made a motion to purchase the snow blower from
Greene Implement in the amount of $2,880.00 and purchase the cab
from Istani Equipment in the amount of $3255.00 Robert Jensen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Kevin Nickelson/Easement On Richard Barry Property
Mr. Nickelson reported that Mr. Richard Barry was not agreeable
for the extension for a turn -around which Mr. Barry would have to
give the township a 20 foot easement. The board requested the
township office contact Mr. Barry to be present at the November
18, 1997 Town Board meeting.
Kevin Nickelson/Gravel Specifications
Mr. Nickelson reported Mr. Mike Peterson had spoken to him again
regarding the specifications for Modified Class 5 Gravel and that
Barton Pit does not meet the State Specifications. The board
agreed to reimburse Mr. Peterson for the problems he incurred
with the Williamsburg Plat.
Cal Floerke/Forest Lake Water Management Organization
It was agreed that Mr. Cal Floreke would continue to serve on the
Forest Lake Water Management Organization until the new
organization is resolved.
Meeting adjourned.
Do2lor erson
New Scand' Township Clerk