4-15-97 tbApril 15, 1997
The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board was called to order
by Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following Board Members were
present: Charles Nordin, Chairman, Paul Rasmussen Vice Chairman,
Robert Jensen, Kevin Nickelson and Dennis Seefeldt.
Consent Agenda
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the following consent
1. Call to order
2. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 03/18/97 and
04/01/97 Town Board and 04/01/97 Planning Commission.
3. Treasurer's report
Balance March 1, 1997 $983,523.29
Receipts 10,897.70
Expenditures 54,450.18
Adjustments/Deposit Slips - 17.50
Balance March 31, 1997 $939,953.31
4. Payment of April Expenditures
5. Adjournment
Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted
Fire Chief/Steve Spence
Steve Spence presented a proposal for Design Development Plans
and Outline Specifications for addition to Scandia Fire
Department. The fee for architectural services were
approximately $1500.00 to $2000.00.
Jeffery House/Cartway
Jeffery House reported that he had meet with Richard Jensen
regarding the possibility of the cartway Mr House needed for
access to his property. He stated Mr Jensen would notify him
about his decision as soon as possible. Mr. House would
negotiate with Mr. Jensen and if this is not possible, Mr. Jensen
would prepare a petition to acquire the land. Mr. House would be
on the May 6, 1997 Town Board agenda.
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Park and Recreation/Mike White
Mike White was requesting the horse pits be removed by the
Community Center.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to eliminate the horse shoe pits by
the Community Center. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Robert Jensen made a motion to move the present walkway by the
Warming House to the Lions Park which is township property.
Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted
Road Committee/Kevin Nickelson
Kevin Nickelson made a motion not to consider the addition to the
Maintenance Garage, but to consider the addition in 1998.
Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted
The board directed the township office to check on the cost of
the installation of a street light on the corner of Lofton Avenue
and Highway 97.
Kevin Nickelson made a report on the inspection of the township
roads. He reported Pillar Road must have ditching and gravel
this year.
Multi -Use Trail/Wm O'Brien
Mr. George Terzich, Manager of the Wm O'Brien Park was present to
answer questions on the Multi -Use Trail. Mr. Terzich explained
the Park and Recreation Committee had done a survey on recreation
facilities and the number one prioritiy was Hiking and Nature
Trails. The two most affected property owners were in
attendance, Mr. John Merthan and Mr. Daniel Waczak. Mr. Terzich
informed the audience that the State will do a study on
developing the trail and there alsois a possibility of a public
hearing on this item.
Berry Sutherland/Addition To Community Center Kitchen
Berry Sutherland and Tom Obst presented plans for a
addition/remodel of the Community Center kitchen.
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Paul Rasmussen made a motion to discuss the proposal with the new
Engineering Firm for the township and have cost figures for the
1998 budget meeting. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
John Olsen/Screening By Residence
John Olsen discussed landscape between his residence and the Fire
Hall. He suggested nine 12 foot birch trees and bushes. Dennis
Seefeldt would review this item and cost figures and report on
this matter at the May 20, 1997 Town Board meeting.
Clifford Schlenker
Mr Clifford Schlenker questioned the Town Board if they would
reconsider the motion made about being able to keep horses in the
pole shed that was built 60 feet from the property line. He
stated he could take off 100 feet to the north of the shed and
add another 200 feet to the other side of the building.
The Town Board informed Mr Schlenker that this is totally against
what the Planning Commission did in August and this would set a
precedence and also by adding to the other side of the building
would make no difference. Mr Schlenker was also informed that the
hardship was totally imposed by himself as it was not placed in
the right area and he had agreed this building would not house
animals when he applied for a building permit. The township
ordinance states a building to house animals, shall be 100 feet
from the property line.
Tim Larkev Usaae Of Communitv Center Well
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to allow Tim Larkey to use the
Community Center well at $25.00 per month for Mobile Steam
cleaning Service, pending total completion of the well.
Resident Guides
Robert Jensen made a motion to order one thousand updated
Residence Guides at the cost of $2,000.00. Paul Rasmussen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Restoration and Landscaping For Community Center Grounds
Dennis Seefeldt
Dennis Seefeldt reported the completed project for restoration of
the grounds, landscaping, sheet boards and painting of boards is
approximately $16,652.55.
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Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the ground restoration
project for approximate $16,000.00 with the combination of
seeding or sodding with discretion of seeding or bare ground on
the pleasure rink. Charles Nordin seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Sidewalk By Warming House/Mike White
Mike White presented a drawing for a proposed sidewalks by the
Warming House.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the bid from Jim
Schneider, Concrete and Masonry Contracting in the amount of
$4575.00. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted
Tom Prew/Township Engineer
Mr. Tom Prew reviewed the bids for the 1997 Road Improvement
Project and the lowest bidder was Tower Asphalt for the amount of
Mr. Ralph Brown a residence on 182nd Street was questioning the
status of the turn around on his property and that the township
does not have a easement for the turn around. Mr. Brown was
informed this matter will be taken care of by the township.
The bond was reviewed by Kevin Nickelson and it was the consensus
of the Town Board to bond in the amount of $700,000.00.
Robert Jensen made a motion to award the bid to Tower Asphalt in
the amount of $644,146.00 for the 1997 Road Improvement Project
and adopt the Resolution Accepting The Bid with the changes.
Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted
The well capacity was reviewed by the Engineer and a discussion
was held regarding the possibility of holding tanks for the Fire
Tom Prew was directed to acquire a cost estimate for a 6,000 and
10,000 gallon holding tanks and a cost estimate to increase the
well capacity pumping to 200 gallons per minute. Steve Spence
would report with figures on the amount of water needed by the
Fire Department.
The board agreed to table the architectural design for 30 days
until the new Engineering Firm contracted has been completed.
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Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the installation of gas
lines along Oakhill Road by Northern States Power. Robert Jensen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Dennis Seefeldt made a motion to approve the installation of
telephone cable involved with the County 52 Road Project for
GTE. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the partial payment for
Manship Plumbing in the amount of $7,310.00 for electrical work
in connection with the well. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
Cleaner For Community Center/Jeannie Swenson
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to hire Jeannie Swenson, temporary
part-time cleaner for the Community Center at $15.00 per hour.
Ms. Swenson must supply the township with a Certificate of
Insurance. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and adopted
Chem Lawn Service
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign the contract with Chem
Lawn Service for broadleaf weed control in May. Robert Jensen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
1997 Tax Rolls
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to purchase the 1997 Tax Rolls from
Washington County. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau
David Hebert, Township Attorney
Service Bureau Service Agreement
the agreement is signed.
Malt Liquor License
reported the Forest Lake Youth
must have some changes, before
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign the Malt Liquor License for
the Scandia Softball Team for tournament to be held on June 27,
28, and 29, 1997. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
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Plannina and Zonina Consultant Agreement
Dennis Seefeldt made a motion to sign the agreement with
Washington County Department of Health, Environment and Land
Management for Planning and Zoning Consultant from April 8, 1997
to December 31, 1997. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Carnelian -Marine Watershed District
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to nominate the following for the
position on the Carnelian -Marine Watershed District: David
Brown, Michael White and Steve Poytner.
Public Hearing For 1997 Road Improvement
Tom Prew, Township Engineer reported the need for another Public
Hearing for the 1997 Road Improvement do to the addition of
bituminous surfacing on 182nd Street. This hearing shall be on
May 20, 1997.
Kevin Nickelson/Issues Regarding Enciineerinq
Kevin Nickelson informed the Town Board he had meet with
Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates and they are not
interested in doing the 1997 Road Improvement Project as this
has been started by TKDA and should be completed by TKDA.
Mr. Nickelson informed the Town Board the following should be
completed by Tom Prew, Township Engineer: Mayberry/Lofton,
Oakhill Street Lighting, quote on holding tanks for the Fire
Department and the problem on Orwell by Earl Erickson residence.
The township office would contact Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and
Associates regarding the contract for Engineering.
Dolores son
New Scand°a Township Clerk