7-01-97 tbJuly 1, 1997
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman, Charles
Nordin. The following Board Members were present: Chairman,
Charles Nordin, Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Kevin Nickelson,
Robert Jensen and Dennis Seefeldt.
MNDOT Community Roadside Landscaoina Program
Curt Hadland reviewed the possibility of applying for a grant
from MNDOT Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation's Community Roadside
Landscaping Partnership Program is designed to provide technical
and financial assistance to communities that are interested in
landscaping state highway rights of way. The program has three
goals: (1) roadside beatification, (2) community improvement, and
(3) environmental stewardship.
It was agreed a sub -committee be formed and a report on this be
presented at the July 15, 1997, Town Board meeting.
Curt Sparks/Funding Water Management Organization
Curt Sparks reviewed the funding for the Water Management
Organization and any projects defined as capital improvements are
funded by a separate Capital Improvement budget. Any capital
expenditure proposed by the watershed will be based on a three
part funding formula with each part representing 1/3 of the funds
and the three parts are: (1) type of project, (2) percent
watershed, (3) contributing watershed.
Joyce Kramer/Reconsideration Of A Variance
The decision was tabled for the July 15, 1997 Town Board meeting
and the board directed Mr. David Hebert, Township Attorney to
investigate the ordinance further on grazeable acres due to the
wetland and drainage area on the property.
Recycling Curbside Agreement
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign the agreement with
Washington County Department of Health for the curbside recycling
grant. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted
Barton Sand and Gravel Request For Extension of Hours
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the request for extension
of hours for Barton Sand and Gravel to operate the pit from 5:00
a.m. to 7:00 p.m. starting July 8, 1997 due to the State Project
02823.20. This project is from 35E/35W North to Forest Lake
Highway 8. This extension is on condition the township receive
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the request from MNDOT. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Liability Coverage For Joint Powers
Robert Jensen informed the Town Board that supervisors and
volunteers who serve on Joint Powers Boards are not covered by
the township insurance policy. Mr. Jensen would receive quotes
for this type of coverage.
Union Contract
A special meeting will be held on July 22, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. to
discuss the Union Contract for the Maintenance Department.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn.
Dolores terson
New Scan is Township Clerk