9-04-97 special tbSeptember 4, 1997
On the above date New Scandia Town Board held a Special Meeting
to discuss the Water Supply for the New Scandia Fire and Rescue
Department. The following Board Members were present: Chairman,
Charles Nordin, Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Kevin Nickelson,
Robert Jensen and Dennis Seefeldt.
Steve Spence, Fire Chief made a presentation regarding the
increase in homes in the Township over the years and that the
Fire Department still does not have a adequate water supply.
Richard Foster, Engineer from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and
Associates presented and discussed different alternatives for
water supply. He stated the minimum required fire flow is 500
GPM based on a AWWA recommendations and there is no legal
requirement on a governing body to provide a particular level of
fire protection. The report from the New Scandia Fire Hall
Building Committee used a supply rate of 300 GPM, therefore a
design of 300 GPM was also included in the report submitted by
Mr. Foster. The cost for 300 GPM to 500 GPM including holding
tanks or well varied from $83,500.00 to $173,875.00. He also
discussed the Prairie Du Chien/Jordan aquifer in this area will
not produce a large quality of water.
After much discussion from members of the Fire Department and
citizens of New Scandia Township regarding the need for water
supply, aquifer, cost of storage tanks and the placement of a new
well the board made a motion.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to proceed with the studies of the
Engineer report for a 500 Gallon GPM well and the township shall
look for future building sites with the possibility of well tests
and contingency the sites pass well tests and it is the indention
that the well will supply 500 GPM at the site to be determined.
Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted
Dolores P erson
New Scand' Township Clerk