11-17-98 tbNovember 17, 1998 New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were also present: Dennis Seefeldt, Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman, Robert Jensen, Kevin Nickelson, Bruce McConoughey. Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the consent agenda with correction on the November 3, 1998 meeting. Consent Agenda (1) Call to order (2) Clerk's minutes have been presented for 9/20/98 Town Board and 11/3/98 Planning Commission (3) Approval of treasurer's report Balance October 1, 1998 $1,349,316.52 Receipts 26,527.75 Expenditures 197,997.53 Returned check _ 253.00 Deposit Slips _ 19.00 Balance $1,177,574.74 (4) Approval of November vouchers (5) Adjournment Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Mike White/Parks and Recreation Committee Dennis Seefeldt stated that Marc Weigle would present a quote for the writing of the Comp Plan for the Park and Recreation at the next meeting. The following persons were appointed to the Skating Committee: David Anderson, Mel Bakken, Jeff Berglund and Mike White. A report was given regarding the caulking for the rink and there appears to be a problem with the cement sifting. H. L. Caulking stated they would review the problem again late next summer. Tom Peterson/Township Engineer There was a discussion regarding collector and non -collector streets for the 1999 Road Improvement Project as residents on 185th Street stated that 185th Street should be a collector. The board was informed that 191st Street entering the Bliss area was designated as a collector street in the 1997 Road Project. page 2 Uptown Sewer System The letter presented by the users for the Uptown Sewer System was reviewed regarding the billing formula. The users were requesting that the septic system billing formula be changed to reduce the replacement income budget to $500.00 per year and bill the users based on the original percentage investment in the system. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to lower the depreciation cost from $870.00 to $500.00 and change the billing formula based on the original percentage fee of each user. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion. Kevin Nickelson made the following amendment to the motion. The depreciation cost shall be $870.00 as opposed to the $500.00 cost as requested by the users. Robert Jensen seconded the motion. Robert Jensen, yes, Kevin Nickelson, yes, Bruce Mcconoughey, yes, Dennis Seefeldt, yes. Paul Rasmussen, opposed, amendment passed. Kevin Nickelson made the following amendment: The change on the percentage fee be retro-active for the calendar of 1998. Robert Jensen seconded the motion. Robert Jensen, yes, Kevin Nickelson, yes, Bruce McConoughey, yes and Dennis Seefeldt, yes, Paul Rasmussen, opposed, amendment passed. Vote on the motion and amendments. Robert Jensen, yes, Kevin Nickelson, yes, Bruce McConoughey, yes, Dennis Seefeldt, yes, Paul Rasmussen, opposed, motion passed. Kevin Nickelson/Road Supervisor Mr. Tom Doyle and John Struck were in attendance to discuss the possibility of purchasing a new tractor with mower attachment. The complete package cost is $69,984.00. A decision on this purchase will be at a later date. Kevin Nickelson stated a resident had contacted him regarding a large tree on Oakhill road that is on the back slope of the township ditch and asked if the township would consider to remove the tree. Mr. Nickelson was informed if the cost of removal did not exceed $2-00.00 he could make arrangements to have the tree removed. Ken Kopka Variance Request Of November 3, 1998 Robert Jensen made a motion to give Mr. Ken Kopka a sixty (60) day extension on the request for variance's and that Mr. Kopka make some other alternatives regarding the addition to his dwelling. Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. page 3 Speed Zone For 205th Street, Speed Zone For Meadowbrook Avenue Robert Jensen made a motion to accept the petition and sign the resolution for the speed limits on 205th Street and Meadowbrook Avenue. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion. Robert Jensen, yes, Bruce McConoughey, Paul Rasmussen, yes, Dennis Seefeldt, yes and Kevin Nickelson, opposed. Motion opposed. Colleen Firkus/Pledged Securities Ms. Firkus reviewed the letter from Security State Bank for pledged securities and stated this exceeds the cash on hand. Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the Pledged Securities from Security State Bank of Marine. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Review Of Land Purchase Mr. Dennis Seefeldt informed the board that Mr. Turnblad has withdrawn his proposal for any land purchase and that there is one willing seller and that is Mr. David Nickelson. This land is located on Highway 97 next to Scandia Farm and Home and is approximately 7.6 acres. The price of the land is $110,000.00. This will be discussed at the December 1, 1998 meeting. Cleaning Services For Community Center Bruce McConoughey made a motion to hire Milbrandt Enterprises for the cleaning services of New Scandia Community Center in the amount of $350.00 per month. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Review of Cleaning of Community Center For Groups Using Center Free A discussion was held regarding groups using the Community Center free of charge and not cleaning after the usage of the Center. It was agreed the office staff contact the groups and discuss the problems with them and do a follow-up letter on the problem and inform them if the clean is left presentable the township may have to charge a fee for cleaning services. Job Descriptions For Employees Mr. Nickelson discussed the job descriptions for the Public Works Department and requested the following changes: 1) Remove, must be able to take oral and written instructions; 2) Add, maybe required to report in emergency situations. page 4 Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the job descriptions of the Clerk, Treasurer and Public Works Department as discussed and revised. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Eide Bailly/Audit Services The following quotes for audit services from Eide Bailly LLP were presented 1) Year of 12/31/98, $6,200.00; 2) Year of 12/31/99, $6,800.00; 3) Year of 12/31/2000, $7,250.00. Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the fees for the audit services with Eide Bai.11y LLP for the year of 1998, 1999 and 2000. Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Option C/Town Administrator A discussion was held in regards of New Scandia Township providing for a Town Administrator and if the Town Board should consider Option C at the Annual Election. Paul Rasmussen and Kevin Nickelson were appointed to review Option C with pros and cons and give a report on the findings at the December 15, 1998, Town Board meeting. Appointments For Park and Recreation Committee and Road Committee Kevin Nickelson made a motion to appointment Julie Preisler to the Park and Recreation Committee and Donnette Yehle to the Road Committee. Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Meeting adjourned. S ' n r-e Dolor Peterson New ndia Township