11-24-98 Road Project Public HearingNovember 24, 1998
On the above date New Scandia Town Board held a Public Hearing
for the 1999 Road Improvement Project. The following Board
Members were present: Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman,
Paul Rasmussen, Robert Jensen, Kevin Nickelson and Bruce
Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt opened the Public Hearing and
introduced the Township Engineer, Tom Peterson, who presided for
the hearing.
Tom Peterson informed the citizens that the streets under
consideration total 8.4 miles in length. All project roads
currently have a rural section consisting of gravel surfacing and
ditches. The current road widths vary from 18 feet to 24 feet.
Mr. Peterson reviewed the cost analysis and that the township
policy for road improvement projects is to assess 25 percent of
the total bituminous surfacing cost to properties on collector
roads and 75 percent of bituminous surfacing cost to properties
on residential roads.
Residents voiced opposition to the status of 185th Street
entering the Bliss/Holiday Addition being a non -collector. Mr.
Nickelson informed the residents that 191st Street was classified
as collector on the last road project and therefore 185th Street
should be designated as a collector street and this will be
determined by the Town Board at the December 15, 1998 board
The following is a list of persons and questions voiced at the
Public Hearing.
Mark Schlenker, 15309 220th Street, stated he has two 5 acre
parcels and his septic system his on one parcel and questioned if
he would be assessed for two parcels.
Cindy Johnson, 18599 Layton Avenue, and Sue Wilcox 18631 Lamar
Avenue questioned the differential between collector and non
collector streets.
Vincent Maefsky, 12521 Mayberry Trail, questioned the number
of parcels hie would be assessed due to the amount of road
Richard Kyle, 10988 185th Street, questioned the ditching that
were constructed with upgrading in the Bliss/Holiday Addition.
James Haskell, 19069 Maxwill, questioned who uses Maxwill the
most and it was agreed the Girl Scout Camp and he was informed
that the Girl Scout Camp is on the assessment role.
Charles Amann, 12261 196th Street, questioned the width of 196th
Street and felt it was very narrow.
Shirley Nagle, 18884 Layton Avenue, stated the township should
install a guard rail on 185th Street at the bottom of the hill
and to remove the branches in the creek.
Ann Myre, 19111, Larkspur Avenue, questioned the corner of 190th
Street and Larkspur and stated the corner is very narrow and it
appears there is no place to store the snow.
Gene Collier, 19201 Lamar Avenue, stated his driveway is 6 inches
higher then it was before the upgrading.
Fred Heinonen, 13277 Lakamaga Trail North, Mr. Heinonen is not on
the Road Project of 1999, but he informed the Town Board that the
township is penalizing the persons with the large acreage and the
township is encouraging development.
David Haskins, 12101 205th Street, stated there is a discrepancy
of the lot line on the maps presented for 205th Street.
Arthur Klinefelter, 12087, 196th Street, had concerns of the T
turn around 20 feet into his driveway.
Harold Johnson, 18599 Langly Avenue, stated there is a problem
with the ditching in the Bliss/Holiday Addition.
Carol Varhallla, 18819 Layton Avenue, voiced concerns if there
would have to be a new sewer system in the area and would this do
damage to the new bituminous surfacing.
Many residents voiced their concerns about the speeding issue
after the roads have been bituminous surfaced and that the signs
that were taken down with the regrading have not been replaced.
Gene Anderson, 12080 196th Street, called the township office on
November 24, 1998 and stated he is opposed to the bituminous
surfacing and place this in the record.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing.
Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted
Do ores.--P-eters
New Sca�a P
Townshi Clerk