12-01-98 tbDecember 1, 1998
New Scandia regular Town Board Meeting was called to order by
Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were also
present: Dennis Seefeldt, Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Vice
Chairman, Robert Jensen, Kevin Nickelson and Bruce McConoughey.
Cable Franchise
Robert Jensen made a motion to sign the resolution for the
Cable Franchise to U. S. Cable of Coastal -Texas, L.P. Bruce
McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Land Purchase For New Scandia Fire and Rescue Department
Dennis Seefeldt reported he had spoken to a local realtor
regarding the land value of the Nickelson property on Highway 97
and he stated the value to be between $95,000.00 to $100,000.00.
Dennis Seefeldt and Robert Jensen would negotiate with Mr.
Nickelson on the land purchase.
GTE Telephone Company Cable Installation
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the install telephone
cable on Pilar Road for Ron Kees residence. Robert Jensen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to adjourn, Bruce McConoughey
seconded the motion and meeting adjourned.
Do o es Pete on
New Scan 'a Township Clerk