12-09-98 tb specialDecember 9, 1998
On the above date New Scandia Town Board held a Special Meeting
to consider the land purchase for the New Scandia Fire and Rescue
The following Board Members were present: Chairman, Dennis
Seefeldt, Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Robert Jensen and
Kevin Nickelson. Absent: Bruce McConoughey.
Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt read the notice of the special meeting.
Chairman, Dennis Seefedlt and Robert Jensen met with David
Nickelson, the purchase price is $99,999.00 and the amount of
acreage is 7.6 acres. It was agreed by the board that one half of
the cost come from the Road and Bridge Fund and one half from the
Fire Fund.
Robert Jensen made a motion to purchase the land from David
Nickelson on Highway for the amount of $99,999.00 and sign the
purchase agreement. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn.
the motion and meeting adjourned.
Do ores Peterson
New Scandia Township Clerk
Robert Jensen seconded