2-03-98 tbFebruary 3, 1998
The regular meeting of New Scandia Town Board was called to order
by Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following Board Members were
present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Vice Chairman, Paul
Rasmussen, Robert Jensen, Kevin Nickelson and Dennis Seefeldt.
Curt Sparks/Surety Assessment For Forest Lake Water Management
Mr. Curt Sparks, Administrator of the Forest Lake Water
Management Organization, reviewed and discussed the permit
program for projects within the Forest Lake Water Management.
The permit program was not uniform between the governments, so
therefore it was agreed to centralize the activity with a permit
program within the Forest Lake Water Management Organization.
Mr. Sparks explained the fee schedule and stated the he had
discussed and reviewed this information at various Town Board
meetings in 1997 and the permit program went into effect on July
10, 1998. The permits require application fees based on A)
development land alterations, B) impact on public drainage
systems and C) wetland or shoreland impact, In addition, a cash
surety bond is required which can range from $500.00 to $3,000.00
plus $100.00 per 5 acres over 10 acres. The surety bond is
refundable if all requirements have been met.
Mr. Howard Hawkinson, Developer of Nielsen Lake Estates was
questioning, fees, surety assessment and size of storage ponding
for his plat. Mr. Curt Sparks informed Mr. Hawkinson and the
Township Board that despites must be brought before the Watershed
Management Board and that there also is a appeals process. It
was agreed that Mr. Hawkinson meet prior to the Water Management
meeting with the Forest Lake Water Management Board to discuss
this matter.
Charles Nordin stated there appeared to be problems with the
scheduling of groups using the Lighted Softball Field and Ms.
Hough had asked if Mr. Nordin could meet with the group. Mr.
Nordin would meet with the persons scheduling and after this
meeting this responsibility should be with the Park and
Recreation Committee.
Kevin Nickelson, Robert Jensen and David Hebert, Township
Attorney scheduled a meeting to discuss turn-arounds on Langley
Court and Layton on Friday, February 6, 1998 at 1:30 p.m.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Robert
Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Dol res Peterson
New Scan.d° Township Clerk