3-17-98 tbMarch 17, 1998
The New Scandia Township regular monthly meeting was called to
order by Clerk, Dolores Peterson. Ms. Peterson gave the Oath of
Office to Supervisor, Paul Rasmussen at 7:00 p.m. before the
payment of vouchers. The following Board Members were present:
Robert Jensen, Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen and Dennis
Seefeldt. Absent was Bruce McConoughey.
The order of business was to elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman.
Dennis Seefeldt was elected, Chairman, for the year of 1998 and
Paul Rasmussen was elected, Vice Chairman, for the year of 1998.
Consent Agenda
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the following Consent
Agenda with changes on the February 17, 1998 minutes regarding
Lake Sylvan.
1. Clerk's minutes have been presented for February 17,
1998 and March 2, 1998 Town Board and March 2, 1998
Planning Commission.
2. Approval of Treasurer's Report
Balance February 28, 1998 $1,362,049.74
Receipts 54,610.52
Disbursements 83,050.35
Balance $1,333,609.91
3. Approval of payment of March vouchers
4. Adjournment
Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Auditors Report/David Stein
Mr. David Stein, Auditor reviewed the Financial Report for the
year ended December 31, 1997. Mr. Stein reviewed the graphs
for revenues and expenditures. 58a of the revenues are from
taxes 22o from intergovernmental, 10°s other and 10a for services.
440 of the expenditures are capital outlay, 7o public safety and
work, 20o highway and streets, to fixed and others, 90 for
general government and 15o debt service. The increase in revenue
was due to the bond for $700,00.00 for the 1997 Road Project.
Mr. Stein expressed the need to start a Capital Improvement Fund
and that Ms. Firkus and he had discussed this. The Township is
in a excellent financial situation.
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Robert Jensen made a motion to accept the Financial Report from
David Stein/Fide Helmeke PLLP for the fiscal year ending December
31, 1997. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted
Captain McGlothin/Sheriffs Department
Captain McGlothin stated the Department are still working on the
communication problems for New Scandia Fire and Rescue
Department. The system appears to work in all the areas except
the Cedar Cliff area. At the present time the Department is
negotiating with U.S. West for service from the tower on Highway
The Department are preparing maps showing the crime patterns in
areas of the township.
Mike White/Park and Recreation Committee
The Park and Recreation Committee are proposing trails in the
park on Bone Lake and will be moving the concrete picnic tables
to the Bone Lake Park.
Mr. White expressed his concerns regarding the landscape rock
around the Skating Facility and was requesting they be removed
and replaced. Dennis Seefeldt would discuss this with Dan
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to appoint Mel Bakken and David
Anderson to the Skating/Hockey Committee. Kevin Nickelson
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Robert Jensen was appointed to represent the Town Board on the
Parks and Recreation Committee.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the quote of $1830.00 for
material and labor for cupboards for the Skating Facility and
$260.00 for a stainless steel sink and installation, from
Joseph H. Beitler. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Tom Peterson/Township Engineer
Tom. Peterson presented the following quotes for Soil Borings in
the Bliss Addition Street Improvements: (1 Braun Intertec
$2,100.00; (2 STS Consultants, $3,697.00; (3 American $3,075.00.
Robert Jensen made a motion to award the Soil Boring Testing for
the Bliss Addition Street Improvements to Braun Intertec the
lowest bidder in the amount of $2,100.00. Kevin Nickelson
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seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Kevin Nickelson/Road Supervisor
Kevin Nickelson reviewed current state bid prices for a
Caterpillar and John Deere Graders. The total cost for a
Caterpillar with guaranty by -back is $174,100.00 and total cost
for a John Deere with guaranty by -back is $162,558.00. The five
year guaranty by -back for a Caterpillar would be $105,000.00 and
$103,678.00 for a John Deere.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to purchase the Cooperative
Purchasing Venture with the State of Minnesota for one year.
Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted
Dean Lindgren/Marine Water Management
Mr. Lindgren was questioning the appointment of Mr. Robert Jensen
to the Marine Water Management when he had been appointed years
ago by the Township Board to the Marine Watershed Management.
The minutes of March, 1997 were reviewed and it appeared Mr.
Jensen was only appointed to the Forest Lake Water Management
Organization. There is nothing formally written that the Town
Board appointed Mr. Jensen to Marine Water Management, but there
was a formal appointment for Mr. Jensen to Forest Lake Water
Dresel Mining Permit
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve the Dresel Mining Permit
in accord with terms of the permit and following conditions:
1) No mining closer than 30 feet from the wetland; 2) Erosion
control on the North side and South side of the pit.. Paul
Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
May 4-H Clean Up On Township Roads
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to allow the Town of May 4-H Group
to cleanup on township roads following Washington County Highway
Department stipulations as follows: (1 Participants sign a
release of liability form; (2 Volunteers under 18 supervised by
adults; (3 No children under 12 unless otherwise notified and
supervised. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Teri Dreyer/Slalom Course
Robert Jensen made a motion to sign the application for
Slalom Course on Hone Lake as presented by Teri Dreyer.
Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted
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Partial Payment and Change Order For Tower Asphalt
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve the "'change order No. 1
in the amount of $10,877.50 and approve partial payment No. 5 to
Tower Asphalt in the amount of $50,705.38. Paul Rasmussen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Joint Powers Agreement For Dakota County Consortium For
Federal Home Program
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign the application for the
Dakota County Consortium for Federal Home Program. Robert Jensen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Weed Inspector
Robert Jensen made a motion to appoint John Morrison Weed
Inspector for the year of 1998. Kevin Nickelson seconded the
the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Depository For The Year Of 1998
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to designate Security State of
Marine the until April 7, 1998 upon further review by the Colleen
Firkus, Treasurer. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Legal Paper
Robert Jensen made a motion to designate the Country Messenger as
the legal paper for the year of 1998. Paul Rasmussen seconded
the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to purchase the Service Agreement
with the Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau in the amount of
$4,200.00. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted
Report On MNDOT Community Roadside Landscaping
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to review the MNDOT Community
Roadside Landscaping Program at the May Township Board meeting.
Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
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