5-05-98 tb,pcMay 5, 1998
Forest Lake School District/Paul Nielsen
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
Conditional Use Permit to Forest Lake School District 831, 6100
North Scandia Trail, Forest Lake, MN 55025. That part of Lot 6,
County Auditor Plat No. 6 and Lot 34, County Auditors Plat No. 6.
For four pre -manufactured classrooms. On the grounds that schools
are a permitted use with the following conditions: 1) That 18
parking spaces be added for additional parking, (2 The existing
septic system be elevated by the MPCA and working properly and
not be polluting the area and the system shall meet MPCA
standards. Charles Ellis seconded the motion with the following
amendments: (1 This Conditional Use Permit is invalid if the
bond issue passes, (2 Grading, drainage, landscaping or screening
plan be approved by the Town Board or Township Engineer, (3 The
seepage problem be corrected before the classrooms are moved on
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation for the pre -manufactured classrooms for the Forest
Lake School District 831. Robert Jensen seconded the motion.
Dennis Seefeldt made the following amendment: (1 That the
seepage problem be corrected before any construction.
Robert Jensen seconded the motion and amendment adopted
unanimously. Vote on complete motion and amendment, Robert
Jensen, yes, Kevin Nickelson, yes, Dennis Seefeldt, yes and Paul
Rasmussen, yes. Bruce McConoughey, no. Motion adopted.
Zavoral Mining Permit
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
Mining Permit to James Zavoral with the same conditions as set in
previous years. For stockpile removal only and that the Gravel
Pit Inspectors visit the site for final approval.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation to grant the Gravel Mining Permit to James
Zavoral. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted
D or e son
candy Township Clerk